Over the years, the education industry has been steadily digitized with new online tools and long distance solutions. As COVID-19 forced schools to transition to remote learning, demand for education technology companies increased dramatically, but with it came an increase in student data collection.

A report by the Center for Democracy and Technology found that of teachers surveyed, only half of them had received substantial data privacy training. Schools have failed to inform parents of their right to opt out of legally permitted information sharing of their own or their childrens’ data, as mentioned in a report by the World Privacy Forum.

Even higher education students in colleges and universities have expressed concerns that technological advances in education may increasingly invade their privacy, found a EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research survey.

The World Privacy Forum’s report surveyed 5,000 schools and 102 post secondary schools for their definition and use of directory information, all of which have given broad definitions ranging from full names and places of birth, to home addresses and photographs of students.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gives students and parents a right to amend their personal information and educational records, and to restrict use and disclosure of their directory information. However, not all schools have disclosed this opportunity. Many schools surveyed by the World Privacy Forum didn’t offer or have a FERPA opt-out form, which should be available online and open to the public. Those that did placed restrictions on the time within which a student could opt-out, or implied that parents shouldn’t take privacy steps.

This is just one of many data privacy concerns that schools and educational institutions are facing, with more predicted to happen as digital education grows. The collection, storage, and use of PII must adhere to their country’s respective data privacy laws and be protected accordingly. Whether you are a school representative, a private tutor, or just a teacher trying to learn more, properly adjusting to compliance standards can be difficult but we’re here to help with one small task at a time.

Create contact info forms, surveys, course registration forms, multiple choice and open answer tests, and countless other administrative and educational workflows. It’s all digital, encrypted, and fully data compliant. Whether your concern is handling sensitive information or wanting a remote solution for your tests and insights, Emailmeform has something for you.

Protect your students. Sign up for a compliance plan

Author Laura Reali

Laura Reali

Laura is a content writer with a love for fantasy fiction and a stylist interest in fashion. If she isn't reading, you'll probably find her rearranging a fully black and white wardrobe.

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