So, you’ve chosen to use our services and built an EmailMeForm to include on your website or landing page. We’re happy you chose us! By working with us, you are making a smart investment in data security.
However, we sometimes wonder if our customers are leveraging all the tools in their box to take the inherent form safety that comes from your account to the next level.
Today, we want to share some form hacks to make your EmailMeForms even safer than before.
After all, we’re the safest form builder online!
Why You Enhance Your Forms with Added Safety
As a customer, you already (hopefully!) know that we are PCI-certified. We’ve passed the rigorous litmus test issued to us by the Payment Card Industry. Then, we passed their audit to prove that data security is a top priority.
However, you should still add layers of protection to your online forms.
You might be security-conscious. Your users expect that. And adding extra measures will go to show them that you are aware of the gravity of your responsibility for their data.
Hackers and cybercriminals will always adapt and try to steal data. It’s what they do. But when you join forces with us, we can work together to add in extra cushioning between your users, their data, and those bad guys.
What Types of Forms Are at Risk?
Virtually every form contains sensitive information that those hackers would love to put their greedy mitts on. From email addresses to credit card data, it’s all at risk if you don’t take a firm stance on data security.
Every bit of user data is like a piece of a puzzle to cybercriminals. They will use it to piece together the big picture one piece at a time.
So, the juicier the data, the harder the hackers will try to steal it.
Some of those data-rich forms include the following:
- Invoices
- Payment forms
- Credit card forms
- Employment application
- School applications
- Registration forms
Let’s beef up the form security on a few forms using five easy EmailMeForm hacks.
1- Require a reCAPTCHA
A CAPTCHA identifies that a human user is completing your form. This step helps to prevent bots from populating your forms with fake or corrupted data. According to Google, this lets people in and keeps out those pesky (and sometimes dangerous) bots.
So here’s how you add reCAPTCHA to your EmailMeForm. We are starting by going to the Form Manager and selecting the form we want to work with.
Please note that if you are making a new online form, this will default to Invisible reCAPTCHA V2. This option provides a seamless experience for the user and does not challenge them unless they appear suspicious.
2 - Limit Form Entries
At other times, you might not be as worried about spam or viruses as you are limiting the number of users who might complete an online form to try to manipulate the system. Perhaps they are trying to get multiples of a coupon code or take advantage of a limited to one-per-customer unique sale item.
Regardless of the intention, you must ensure you set up a win for your business and a win for your users.
For example, you are building a contest form to give away a special item while also growing your email marketing list. It doesn’t benefit your email marketing campaign any good to send newsletters to the same person at addresses.
Here’s how you can limit your number of form entries. We will assume you have already built a form, and we will make this adjustment from the form settings tab. Take a look.
Please notice that there are options for only one entry from the user’s IP address, which could support multiple devices or one entry per computer (or device). You can also allow a specific number of entries per IP address–say three per user–daily. This function is very flexible but can protect you from fraudulent entries and spam.
3 - Add Comments to Entries in Data Manager
Your data is stored safely in the EmailMeForm Data Manager. However, as soon as you print it out or save it to your computer, you expose it to risk.
Many of our subscribers integrate their account with Zoho or other cloud-based CRM solutions–another secure way to handle data.
But what about those very smallest businesses, start-ups, or solopreneurs who don’t need a CRM yet?
Some of our users take advantage of the “notes” section of our data manager. There, they can utilize their form entries as a sort of mini-CRM as they grow. And, their online form data remains secure and safe.
We will look at an example of a travel agent who is collecting subscribers for a newsletter–and might want to make some personal contacts based on individual responses.
4 - Private Retrieval of File Uploads
Do you collect file uploads from users? Enhance data security by setting your uploaded files to “private” in the form settings.
For instance, we will use a daycare center as our example. The parents must provide a copy of the child’s immunization records according to their state law. The daycare center provides a space for this on the online enrollment form.
When you insert the “file upload” field, you switch over to the form settings tab and tell your form whether it should email you the document or set the upload to private. While the email is convenient for many people, there is an inherent risk of receiving data this way.
So, for the most sensitive information, you should set this to private. In our example, the daycare center would log into their EmailMeForm account and retrieve the data via the safety of our data manager.
That added safety is literally just a few clicks in your EmailMeForm.
Our example worked with an existing form from the form manager. If you create one from scratch, the same principle applies. After you add the field, make sure to pop over to change that setting.
5 - Lock Up User Data in the Vault
If you had a stack of cash, you wouldn’t likely leave it lying around your home. No. That would put them at risk in the event of a burglary. Ok. You would lock your doors and set your home’s security alarm when you headed out to go shopping with some of that money.
However, a security alarm and door locks will deter burglars. However, the most determined burglar will stop at nothing to break into your home. That fact is especially true if they know that you have that sweet, green stack of dollars just beyond their reach.
A data thief aka hacker is similar to that burglar. They continuously work to find your weak point. Whether that’s downloading form data to your desktop or dumpster diving to find an invoice you forgot to shred.
Your customer data is the same as currency to a hacker.
Therefore, we took our already tight security standards and upped our game. We recently launched the EmailMeForm Vault. Vault is the safest place to store your form data. Period.
You quickly access it using multi-factor authentication (MFA). This means that you input your username and password, as usual, when entering your account. Then, you must pass a second security challenge using your smartphone. This second challenge ensures that you are the person working with user data from the safety of Vault.
Here, you can store credit card numbers, financial data, personally identifiable information of your users, and any other at-risk form data.
Try These Form Hacks to Make Your EmailMeForm Safer
Give these five form hacks a try!
You will benefit from knowing that you’ve minimized risk for your company and your customers by handling their data safely. Implementing these tips builds additional roadblocks to the merciless hackers who will try continuously to find your weak points.
And, if you’re ready to step up your form security even higher, we’d love you to try Vault. There are no long-term contracts or commitments–just the best data security you’ll find for the money.