On a regular basis, we are bombarded with news of data security breaches and horror stories of cardholders’ payment information leaked from servers of banks and major retailers, among others. This isn’t surprising since hackers have long been drawn to payment-related activities on the internet.
This reality is driving consumers to be critical and extra careful when completing online forms for payments, credit card applications, setting up subscription services or recurring payments, and practically all other activities requiring payment information.
As a business owner, your goal is to close the deal and complete the sale. Now, the big question is how to do that when mistrust is clearly keeping the cash registers from ringing.
EmailMeForm is 100% PCI-Certified
As a business owner, you need to be vigilant and be sure that you are using secure payment forms. Remember, you are legally responsible for the data of your customers.
EmailMeForm is a 100% PCI-Certified form builder.
This means that we meet the high standards of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the governing body that sets rules and requirements for entities that collect sensitive customer data and process payments online. We have been fully audited and found to have the proper controls and security measures in place to protect your data.
EmailMeForm levels up our secure offerings further with our Vault technology, which provides the safest place online to store your customer credit card information and other sensitive data. Vault stops hackers in their tracks by providing additional security layers that surpass average security standards.
That is why when you choose EmailMeForm,
you are putting a stop to data insecurity once and for all.
Why use the Vault PCI Seal?
Did it happen to you that you were looking for a product, say in a grocery, and you were checking on the product description of your product choices? It seems so hard to choose among them.
A lot of the products in the market are claiming they are the best and that they are the real deal. You don’t want to use something that is not safe for you. So how will you be able to tell which one is the genuine thing?
From your product choices, you then saw a seal from one product showing that they are approved by a certain industry standard, like for example, Food and Drug Administration or FDA for short. That seal made your confidence for that product higher, making it easier for you to choose a product with just a glance.
That is what seals are for: it makes the products entirely authentic.
The mark of the common seal is a legal mark that is used to signify that the product that it has been affixed upon is a valid legal product.
That’s how Vault PCI Seal aims to make your clients’ customers decide easier with just a glance. Because the seal represents the security in data that the business delivers.
With the seal in your payment forms and website, you can guarantee to your clients that they can manually process payments while keeping their customers’ data and their business safe. They can collect, store, and retrieve credit card data in the PCI-Certified way.
There are a couple of things you can actually check to make sure that a form builder is not just PCI-compliant, but 100% PCI-Certified.
- requires a Strong Password
- enforces Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
- separates Sub-user Log-in and Access
- has a PCI Certificate when you ask for it
Symbol of Quality Trust
Introducing the Vault Essential Seal:

The Vault PCI Seal certifies that a business is using EmailMeForm Vault — a 100% PCI-certified payment platform. It assures customers that the forms they are using are safe for payment transactions and for collecting credit card data. This helps build customer trust and assures buyers of the security of their transactions.
The seal can be added on Vault forms or web pages to indicate that you are using safe and secure forms from EmailMeForm Vault. Adding the Seal is easy as you only need to add a small script on the form or page.
When clicked, the Vault PCI Seal provides users with more information about the PCI certification of EmailMeForm and key information about your business (if you are subscribed to the Vault Veteran and Agency plans).
To sum it all up, having a Vault PCI Seal isn’t just about having a fancy badge. Above all, it’s an important symbol of trust. If you have the Vault PCI Seal on your forms and on your web page, your users are sure to know that they are transacting with your business on a 100% PCI-certified platform that guarantees safe payment experiences.
Coming Soon: Boost Your Vault Seal
Aside from the Essential Seal shown above, EmailMeForm is also working on boosting your Vault Seal with Trusted Seal and the Premium Trusted Seal. These will bring your business’ credibility to the next level. Stay tuned for more details.