It’s almost impossible to imagine a business that doesn’t use papers—a decade ago maybe. Or if you’re a traditionalist with stiff organizational beliefs.

In the present-day situation, however, this is an absolute myth. The proof is in our lifestyle.

We’re living in a world where everybody loves to shop online and pay with credit cards. Paper receipts? Nah, we get email order and payment confirmations.

Freelancers, remote teams, and inter-continental business collaborations have changed the shape of the global workforce. How do they do financial transactions? How do they clock in? How do they sign deals and seal contracts? It’s all about going paperless in the office—there are thousands of apps out there that can carry these out.

A lot of businesses nowadays, ranging from insurance firms to retail stores to technology (of course), function just as excellently without any tangible paper forms.

We should know, we’re one of them.

man paperless in the office
Even traditional businesses are starting to use online forms.

Even traditional businesses have tapped technology to make their everyday workflow easier. In fact, they have admitted to being more efficient, productive—and profitable—in the process. You’ll get the proof of this claim in the next section.

The Hidden Costs of Paper-Dependency

When you think about it, it’s just paper.

How expensive can paper get? Especially if you only have a small company with only several departments.

paperless environment rid office supplies
You’ll be surprised with the indirect costs associated with paper.

But I think you may have missed the indirect costs that paper has on your office budget. Here let me enumerate a couple of them:

Additional office equipment: printers, faxes, photocopiers, paper shredders

The supplies that go with it: folders, paper clips, pens, highlighters, etc.

Paper filing and storage costs including cabinets and additional office space

Costs of paper recycling and disposal

Abuse of paper printing

See. If you limit your dependency on paper even just a bit, you can surely stop allocating budget for these items.

The hidden costs of paper don’t stop here, though.

drowning in paperwork go paperless system
Are you drowning in what seems to be an endless paperwork?

There are productivity and efficiency-related cost implications of a paper-based management system. Here are some of them.

Inefficiency of finding a paper document

Additional staff needed to handle the paper system

Risk of losing data

Inconsistent or imprecise data collection

Inability of using data instantly results to less effective decision-making

*Paper Consumption in the Office Statistics are from The Paperless Project, Ungerboek and Happay.

Did these stats make you want to start a paperless revolution at your company?

Awesome if they did!

To encourage you to make the switch even more, you can check out this ROI Calculator which will tell you two things:

Benefits of Saving the Sheets

Let’s round up how going paperless in the office can help.

Starting with the obvious, going paperless helps you save time, money, and office space. On top of the savings, you also get a decluttered working area, one that’s free of paper mess.

Second, a paperless system helps improve everyone’s efficiency. Compared to searching from drawers of paper files, conveniently sitting on your desk and hitting your keyboard sound heavenly.

Searching and filing documents in your computer is easier and faster, and no doubt your employees will favor this over the other.

Another reason is the risk mitigation that comes with a paperless environment.

You can only do so much in securing your printed documents. You can lock the drawers, reinforce the doors with a lock code, but it only takes a second for someone to take a picture of the document. Remember, everybody has smartphones.

Whereas, with an online document management solutions, there are encryptions and SSL that can protect your data—and they’re hard to break. A paperless system’s data redundancy and safe storage also wins over the traditional practice of storing papers.

paperless environment trees
Let’s keep the trees alive!

Lastly, you’re going green and pleasing our planet when you get picky in using paper.

So, What Should You Do Next?

Now that you have a solid grip about how advantageous it would be for your company to do away with paper forms, what should be your next move?

1. Account your paper usage

paperless system get rid of paper piles
There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing piles and piles of papers on your desk early in the morning.

Figure out where you use papers. Here’s a rundown of the common examples to get you started:

Once you have figured these out, you can pick the paper group which you want to eliminate first.

2. Work on your plan of action

document management solutions plan
Call your team! Time to develop your online document management solutions plan.

After deciding on the paper that you want to eliminate first, it’s time to plan your course of action.

If you’re having doubts in migrating a workflow that directly involves your clients, go for the easy tasks first. Dip your toes by doing a test run with your own team.

Start with your internal workflow: Use online forms in automating your day-to-day tasks.

Once you got over your fear of transitioning to a paperless environment, try exploring advanced cost-effective solutions in running your business.

Automating your online orders and payments will increase your productivity and revenues. Tweet this

Or, if you don’t have time to create a comprehensive online form, we can create one for you via our Customworks Service.

With Customworks, we can clone any paper form to digital form(yes, they’re going to be fillable). Set up team collaboration on your forms. Integrate payment systems to automate your processes. And you’ll get premium and dedicated support, making it a total win for you.

Paperless automation lets you run your business efficiently. It’s all about helping your employees grow your company more by reducing their workloads, making their jobs easier and giving them more meaningful tasks to work on.

Don’t also forget that the whole world is being modernized by the second. Don’t let your business get left behind!

Author Aiza Coronado

Aiza Coronado

Aiza is a Content Developer and Marketer at EmailMeForm. She easily gets upset when random dogs don't bark back at her hello's.

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