Create better learning experiences for your students and minimize the paperwork. We’re the only PCI certified form builder that guarantees the safety of all personal and financial information.
Sign Up FreeEngage both parents and students with online forms that replace traditional school processes like in-campus enrollment, entrance exams, and cashier payments.
A paperless way to collect student data, applications, and registrations for various classes, courses, sports activities, workshops, excursions, and summer camps you organize.
Receive files through your web forms and keep them safe in the cloud. Collect CVs, cover letters, home works, school works, essays, exams, images, and other files straight from the forms.
Appoint professors, administrators, and program chairmen from different departments to manage certain forms and set email alerts for submissions. Forms are accessible anywhere.
Digitize how your school does business with Vault, the only PCI certified online form. Securely store a customer’s credit card information for frictionless processing of staggered tuition fee payments, patron donations, and other purchases.
Collect donations online via global merchants like PayPal, Stripe,, and Square. Set email notifications and thank you messages for successful transfers.
Automate the work through app integrations with your forms. Send data submissions to your Dropbox, Google Drive or any other app you use to streamline your work, analyze data, record transactions, and communicate with students and stakeholders.
Try EmailMeForm and let forms do the data work for your school or university.
They do these things using a single, powerful solution.
She fills out the registration form and uploads the school requirements. She completes the form with her information including her preferred payment option - pay per semester.
The PCI certification seal gives her confidence that you collect credit card numbers securely and only charge her card when authorized.
The authorized school personnel gets notified too. You process the information from the form and use her credit card info to collect payment.
Since her preferred method of payment is per semester only, you hang on to her credit card data, stored securely in the Vault as an active card entry.
For ease of processing and workflow, you integrated your school enrollment form into web apps you use daily. The data now gets passed around securely and you can use automations and triggers to make your life easier and save you time.
Be ready for the new normal. Simplify administration tasks and transform all your paperwork into digital.