2001: A Movie Podyssey Song Submission Form
If you want your song to play before and after an episode of 2001: A Film Podyssey you can submit a link to it here! We will give credit in the show notes and link to your artist site of your choosing. Thanks!
  • RULES:

    You must own the rights or have permission to give the rights of the song for use in the podcast.

    We will have sole discretion of what makes it on the podcast.

    The song will very likely be cut up and will not play in full.

    We will include credit and a link to your stuff in the show notes.
  • This doesn't need to be a download link, I can usually rip a song from YouTube or Spotify or whatever.
  • This is usually a link to your website, BandCamp, Spotify, or wherever you want people to check your stuff out.
  • If, for some reason, we can't get our song and want to use it we may need to contact you. Please put your preferred contact info here, we won't give it away or sell it to anyone.