35th Garden Fair Vendor Application
May 9 -11, 2025 | Rain or Shine Event
The State Arboretum of Virginia
Blandy Experimental Farm
400 Blandy Farm Lane
Boyce, VA 22620
We are excited to invite returning and new vendors to apply to attend our 35th Celebration of Garden Fair. Required fields are marked with an *. Applications are due March 7, 2025. Once approved, instructions for payment will be sent. Final payments will be due by March 31, 2025. Questions about the event or the application process may be directed to Melanie Mullinax at or 540-837-1758 x 246.
To make the application process easier, have these documents ready to upload:
- Certificate of Insurance *properly completed with additional insured information
- Boxwood Certification (if applicable)
- Photos
Company Name
Contact Name
Contact Email
Our communications are by email.
Daytime Phone | Number to be Listed in Program
Web Site or Facebook Page
Mailing Address
Street Address
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Vendor Description
Vendor Type (select one only)
Please select
Garden Tools, equipment, furniture, housewares
Crafts (natural materials, wood, metal, textile, paper, pottery, art, jewelry, etc. )
Food products (seasonings, honey, etc.)
Food vendor (hot or cold, for immediate consumption, permits required)
Information/education (non-profit, non-commercial)
Description of product(s) to be sold (limited to 200 characters and spaces)
The text will be used in the program and on our website
Several booth types are available. Please select the space type that fits your business and choose one booth size.
Retail Vendor Booth/Space: selling plants, crafts, tools, food products, etc (select 1)
Please select
1 booth space, 15’x20’, $400
2 booth spaces, 30’x20’, $800
3 booth spaces, 45’x20’, $1,200
4 booth spaces, 60’x20’, $1,600
Please select the number of booths that you need. Fee is $400/booth. Each booth is 15’wide by 20’ deep.
Food Vendors (serving meals, select 1)
Please select
10 linear feet, $400
11 linear feet, $440
12 linear feet, $480
13 linear feet, $520
14 linear feet, $560
15 linear feet, $600
20’ truck/rig, $800
24'truck/rig, $960
28'truck/rig, $1120
Vendor booths are priced $40/linear foot, minimum 10’; spaces are 20’ deep. All trailer hitches, support ropes, pegs, display materials, etc. must be contained within the linear footage selected.
Food Vendors (serving drinks, snacks and desserts, select 1)
Please select
10 linear feet, $230
11 linear feet, $253
12 linear feet, $276
13 linear feet, $299
14 linear feet, $322
15 linear feet, $345
20’ truck/rig, $460
Vendor booths are priced $23/linear foot, minimum 10’; spaces are 20’ deep. All trailer hitches, support ropes, pegs, display materials, etc. must be contained within the linear footage selected.
Non-profit/Non-commercial Vendors (with sales, select 1)
Please select
1 booth space, 15’x20’, $57
2 booth spaces, 30’x20’, $114
15% of gross sales will be due to FOSA by May 24, 2025, if not paid at the conclusion of the event on Sunday afternoon.
Non-profit/Non-commercial Vendors (no sales, select 1)
Please select
1 booth space, 15’x20’, $57
2 booth spaces, 30’x20’, $114
Electrical needs (select 1)
Please select
20 Amps/120 Volts, $30
30 Amps/120 Volts, $55
50 Amps/220 Volts, $80
60-100 Amps/220 Volts, $160
Water connection desired (select 1)
Please select
Only hoses are provided
Exhibit Setup Day (select 1)
Please select your preferred arrival day and time to begin set up. All vendors must be set up and vehicles moved off the event field by 4:30 p.m. on Friday and 8:30 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Large vehicles must arrive on Thursday to ensure adequate space to maneuver their rigs.
Large food vendors, arrival Thursday, 12-4 p.m.
Vendors with over-sized vehicles, trailers or vehicles with more than 2 axels, arrival Thursday, 12-4 p.m.
Small food vendors, retail vendors and non-profit/non-commercial vendors, arrival Thursday, 12-4 p.m.
Small food vendors, retail vendors and non-profit/non-commercial vendors, arrival Friday 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m
Small food vendors, retail vendors and non-profit/non-commercial vendors, arrival Friday 1-4 p.m
Photos of business or product to be used for promotional purposes (required for first time vendors, optional for returning vendors)
Add File
PDF or image files only
2025 Garden Fair Vendor Guidelines
Please click on the logo to read and understand the vendor requirements. By checking the box below, you agree that you and anyone who is assisting with your booth have read, understood and will abide by the vendor guidelines.
I have read, understood and will abide by the vendor guidelines. I will ensure that staff or volunteers who are working at the booth during Garden Fair will comply with the guidelines
Certificate of Insurance (COI)
All vendors who are selling goods or services must submit a Certificate of Insurance with their application listing the Foundation of the State Arboretum 400 Blandy Farm Lane Boyce, VA 22630 as certificate holder/additional insured AND ALSO LISTING The Commonwealth of Virginia and The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, its officers, employees, and agents as additional insured. The COI must show commercial, general liability coverage with limits of liability not less than $1 million dollars per occurrence and $2 million general aggregate, as shown on the Sample Certificate of Insurance below. Exhibitors and Nonprofit vendors who are NOT SELLING goods or services will be exempt from the Certificate of Insurance.
Upload your certificate of Insurance here
Click the logo for a Sample COI Form
Blandy Invasive Plant List
Please click on the logo to review plant species and cultivars of those species that may not be sold during Garden Fair. If you are a vendor selling plants, you agree that you and anyone who is assisting with your booth have read, understood and will abide by the invasive plant requirements.
Please select one
I will be selling live plants. I have read, understood and will abide by the invasive plant guidelines.
I will not be selling live plants.
Spotted Lantern Fly
Please click on the logo to review the Virginia requirements for spotted lantern fly
I have read and understand the Virginia requirements for spotted lantern fly.
Boxwood Blight Certification
Due to the spread of boxwood blight in Virginia and the Foundation’s role as the back-up collection for the National Boxwood Society, vendors agree to only sell boxwoods (Buxus spp., Pachysandra terminalis, and Sarcococca spp.) from nurseries that hold an active compliance agreement with the Boxwood Blight Cleanliness program of Virginia or a comparable program from another state.
Click the logo for information about the Boxwood Blight Cleanliness Program.
Please make a selection from the dropdown menu below and upload the proper certificate.
Please select one
I will be selling boxwood or related target species, and I will upload the proper certificate.
I will not be selling boxwood or related target species.
Upload certificate here
By submitting this application, I agree to the following terms:
Acknowledgement and compliance with Vendor Guidelines.
Acknowledgement and compliance with the invasive species, spotted lantern fly and boxwood blight requirements as they apply to my business or organization.
Acknowledgement and compliance with all requirements by staff and volunteers who are working in or supporting my business or organization during Garden Fair.
Submission of certificate of insurance by March 7, 2025.
Payment of all fees by the date (March 31, 2025) provided in the vendor confirmation email
Please check all boxes
We are excited about hosting the 35th Celebration of Garden Fair and look forward to having you as a vendor for the widely anticipated Mother’s Day Weekend event. When your application is approved, we will email payment instructions.
Thank you!