GSOC Silver Award Intent Form
This form is for Girl Scout Cadettes in grades 6-8 who plan to START the Girl Scout Silver Award project during the 2023-2024 Girl Scout membership year (September 30, 2023 - October 1, 2024).

The information submitted will be used by Girl Scouts of Orange County (GSOC) to provide support for the project and ensure project plans meet required guidelines.


Girl Scout Cadettes submit this Silver Award Intent Form - and attach a copy of their completed Girl Scout Silver Award Project Proposal (fillable PDF) - after completion of a Cadette Journey and at least 30 days before they intend to put their plan into action to earn the Silver Award.

An individual Girl Scout or a project team (of up to four Girl Scouts per project) should work with their Girl Scout Adults to complete and submit one form per project.

Responses should reflect girl-led project planning using the Girl Scout Silver Award Project Proposal and the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award.

Tip: Create responses in a separate document to copy and paste into the Silver Award Project Proposal and into this GSOC Silver Award Intent Form.

Note: Girl Scout Adults are responsible for approving the start of the project by guiding girls to use the Project Proposal Form. Submission of this Intent Form with a copy of the Project Proposal including the signature(s) of Girl Scout Adult(s) serves as a notification to council staff that a girl or team of girls is working on an approved Silver Award project with the guidance of the Girl Scout Adult(s).
  • Contact Info

  • Enter "Juliette" if you are not a member of a troop; enter unsure if you don't know/remember the troop number.
  • Note: Individually registered Girl Scout Juliettes enter parent name.
  • Note: Individually registered Girl Scout Juliettes enter parent email.
  • Note: Individually registered Girl Scout Juliettes enter parent name.
  • Note: Individually registered Girl Scout Juliettes enter parent email.
  • Remember: Girls must be registered Girl Scouts to work on and earn the Girl Scout Silver Award.The new Girl Scout membership year begins October 1.
  • Girl Scout Cadette(s)... Future Silver Award Girl Scout(s)!

  • Note: An individual Girl Scout or a project team (of up to four Girl Scouts per project) can earn the Girl Scout Silver Award.
  • First Name Last Name City Troop Number Grade (6, 7, or 8) School # of years as a Girl Scout Bronze Award Girl Scout (yes or no) Plans to earn the Gold Award (yes or no)
    Girl 1
    Girl 2
    Girl 3
    Girl 4
  • Prerequisite Cadette Journeys

  • Silver Award Project Plan

  • Note: If a project title has not been determined, enter "Project Title TBD."
  • / /
  • / /
  • (Please include a 3-4 sentence description. See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 4.)
  • (Please include a 3-4 sentence description. See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 4.)
  • (Please include a 1-2 sentence description. See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 4.)
  • First Name Last Name Organization How might they help?
  • (Please include a 1-2 sentence description. See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Steps 3 and 4.)
  • (Please include a 3-4 sentence description of your project, including the desired result and how it addresses the root cause of your issue. See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 4.)
  • Tip: Check out the "Take Action vs. Community Service" section of the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award to make sure your project is truly Take Aciton.

  • (Please include a 3-4 sentence description.)
  • First Name Last Name Leadership Roles Responsibilities
  • Supplies/Donations Cost (even if $0)
  • (See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 5.) [Optional]
  • (See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 5.) [Optional]
  • Girl Scout Silver Award Project Proposal: File Upload

    Girl Scout Cadette(s) complete the fillable PDF and upload a copy as part of this GSOC Silver Award Intent Form submission.
  • Upload your completed copy of the Girl Scout Silver Award Project Proposal. Get the fillable PDF at
  • Thank you!