USCGAUX 9CR Training Request Form
Please complete all fields in this form. Should you need help please reach out to the District Member Training team.
  • Please enter your name
  • Please select your Division from the dropdown list
  • Please enter your Division number followed by your Flotilla number
  • - -
    Please enter your phone number
  • Please provide the name of your Training
  • / / :
    Please enter your meeting Date and its start time
  • How long do you expect the training to last? *Trainings should not last more than 3 hours*
  • Please indicate if you have been an organizer for a GTM meeting before
  • EX: Vessel Examiners/Leadership/FSO-MT's etc.
  • Please provide a brief explanation of the purpose of the session and provide sample topics to be covered.
  • All RSVPs will be tracked through SignUp Genius - see link on 9CR Member Training page
  • If different from requestor /Name/Phone/Email/Flotilla
  • If different from requestor /Name/Phone/Email/Flotilla
  • Any prerequisites? Will attendees need to obtain any materials prior to the session, such as manuals, PQS, etc...?