2nd Edition Mobile Integrated Healthcare Standards
Suggestions & Comments
Please list the standard # first and put all suggestions for each standard in the same box.
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Standard # - Suggestion for Change and the Rationale for Change OR Suggestion for ADDING a Standard and the Rationale.
Standard # - Suggestion for Change and the Rationale for Change OR Suggestion for ADDING a Standard and the Rationale.
Standard # - Suggestion for Change and the Rationale for Change OR Suggestion for ADDING a Standard and the Rationale.
Standard # - Suggestion for Change and the Rationale for Change OR Suggestion for ADDING a Standard and the Rationale.
Standard # - Suggestion for Change and the Rationale for Change OR Suggestion for ADDING a Standard and the Rationale.
Standard # - Suggestion for Change and the Rationale for Change OR Suggestion for ADDING a Standard and the Rationale.
Standard # - Suggestion for Change and the Rationale for Change OR Suggestion for ADDING a Standard and the Rationale.
Standard # - Suggestion for Change and the Rationale for Change OR Suggestion for ADDING a Standard and the Rationale.