Karate Denver
From a White Belt to a Black Belt – an Amazing Karate Journey of Two Young Martial Artists from Denver, Colorado.

“Black belt represents not the end but the beginning of never ending journey of karate-do (way of karate).” These were the words that Sensei Shagin Iskander one of the first Senseis of Alex and Vitaly Padalka wrote on a picture as a reminder for back then young boys Padalka brothers.

Yesterday for the first time ever 2 students of brothers-senseis Padalka tested for their Shodan – First Degree Black Belt in Shotokan Karate. Martin Gissa (14 yrs old) and Robert Yegikyan (15 yrs old) successfully passed the test by demonstrating outstanding technics in kihon (basics), kata (forms), kumite (sparring) and tameshiwari (breaking).

The examination board was represented by the head of the board Sensei John Bolosan (Shichidan/7th Dan) who is one of the head instructors for FSKA World (Funakoshi Shotokan Karate Association). Other board members were Sensei Dave Elmer (Yondan/4th Dan), Sensei Tony Maccioli (Sandan/3rd Dan), Sensei Vitaly Padalka (Sandan/3rd Dan) and Sensei Alex Padalka (Sandan/3rd Dan).

Martin Gissa was one of the first students of Okinawa Dojo by Karate Bros. He actually started his karate journey with Sensei Bolosan. But in a few month when brothers were opening their dojo Sensei Bolosan referred Martin’s mom to take Martin over there saying that it will be a better fit for him since both brothers are from Russia and Martin was from a Russian speaking family. Since then Okinawa Dojo is known as Russian Dojo or Russian School in Denver. Domo Arigato (thank you in Japanese) to Sensei Bolosan from both brothers Padalka for such a great gift as Martin. Martin is a hard working kid and he always had to sweat for his success. He has been a part of out-of-state Okinawa competition team for many years already successfully competing at USA Karate events such as US Open and Nationals and bringing home Gold, Silver and Bronze medals multiple times. It took Martin 8 years to get to his black belt. When we said Martin is a hard working kid we were not kidding he also does swimming and plays piano and he is a straight A student.

Robert Yegikyan started karate training at the age of 6. He loved it and he inspired his older brother and his dad to try it as well. Even thought they did not pursue it as far as Robert did it was one of his first influential moments promoting karate to the world. Robert has big heart and he fires up people around him. Group trains at a different level when Robert is at class and gives it 100%. Every competition for Robert is the most important competition there is.
Robert’s family is from Sochi, Russia - the city that hosted Winter Olympics in 2014. And no Okinawa Dojo did not recruit an entire Russian community of Denver to them but they for sure got some great individuals from there. Our doors are open to any nationality there is. Karate teaches unity and respect to one another. We are proud to say that we have students from all around the world at our dojo.

Robert has medals of all levels as well from Nationals and US Open. In 2016 he hardly missed his chance to represent USA at Junior World Championships. Aside from karate Roberts has plans to open his own business when he grows up – he loves to work with cars and plans to dedicate himself in the automotive industry.

It takes a lot more than just a physical skill to achieve your black belt. Showing up to classes and giving 100% on your good days is easy, it takes mental toughness to do so on not so good days. But this is what it takes to succeed! We hope the story of 2 young karatekas from Denver inspires you. Their journey only begins here. They already have their eyes on earning their spot on US National Junior team this year and on representing the US at the Olympics 2024 in Paris!  

Looking for Aurora Martial Arts or Karate Classes Denver or may be a Karate Dojo near me ?There are many Karate schools in Denver. But look no more – you are in the right place, Okinawa Karate Dojo is the Best Karate School Denver can offer. There are programs for adults, teens and kids karate Denver. Do not get confused – you won’t be learning Boxing, Kung Fu, Jiu-Jitsu BJJ, Mixed Martial Arts MMA, Taekwondo Denver, nor Judo. Traditional Shotokan Karate is taught at the martial arts Denver Karate School Okinawa Dojo by Karate Brothers.

“Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings”.
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