Order Form
To place order, please fill up the following form. We will get back to you within 24 hours. Thank you. ^^
  • Delivery Detail 邮寄资料

    Please fill in your delivery detail here. 请在此填上邮寄资料。
  • Please enclose your phone number for the need of delivery. 请附上联络号码以供邮寄之需。
  • Please provide a valid email address here, we will get back to you via email. 请附上有效的邮件地址,我们会通过邮件联系你。
  • Order Detail 订购资料

    Please fill in the following order detail. Instruction is enclosed. 请在此填上订购资料,已附上提示。
  • Fill in if you join the pre-order. 请填上若您加入预购
  • Tick on the stock category which you would like to order. Can click more than one. 请选这所订购的物品种类,可多个选择。
  • Ex:
    1. Stock Photo Link 照片连锁:
    Stock Code/Name 物品名称/编号:
    Quantity 数量:
    Size/ Color/ GB 尺寸/颜色/容量:
  • You can enclose any extra note, message or requirement here, if any. 若有任何额外要求,留言/备注,可在此填上。
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