2025 Stellar Skills-Cookie Program contest
We know that Girl Scouts have STELLAR SKILLS when it comes to: Goal Setting, Decision Making, People Skills, Business Ethics and Money Management!
Tell us about your STELLAR SKILL by entering the STELLAR SKILLS Cookie Program contest!
FIVE girls, one for each of the 5-skills, will be chosen for the STELLAR way each shows how the Girl Scout Cookie Program helped develop her business skill!
For more information about the five business skills learned through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, CLICK on the image!
For more information about the five business skills learned through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, CLICK on the image!
What is the Prize?
The five winning Stellar Skills Girl Scouts and their families will be invited to attend the Cookie All Star Celebration award ceremony in May, will receive special recognition for their Stellar Skills, and be awarded with a custom patch and certificate commemorating their STELLAR SKILL!
Who can participate?
First time sellers and veteran cookie pros alike can share their Stellar Skills! All registered Girl Scout cookie sellers can participate in the STELLAR SKILLS contest. Submissions of Stellar Skills stories are encouraged from girls, their family members, volunteers and staff.
Girl Scouts are eligible to enter in every category, however each entry must be submitted individually. More Information at
How can Girl Scouts enter the contest?
Girls or their adults can submit their personalized Stellar Skills story & photo by April 6th.
Girl Scouts must apply online, together with a parent or a legal guardian who is 18 years old or older as of the date of entry.
Each girl’s Stellar Skills story should include:
A photo of herself looking like a Girl Scout Cookie entrepreneur!
Cookie badges she’s earned and/or skills she’s learned.
Include detailed examples to highlight the skill, and really tell her story!
HINT: Click on the image to be linked to the Badge Explorer for help identifying the Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy badges.
Click on the image to be linked to the Badge Explorer
A girl may be nominated by a troop leader, family member, friend, staff member, or even herself!
Name of Girl:
Troop # or GSI:
Girl Scout level:
Name of Adult contact:
Service Unit:
Please select
101 Brea
102 Fullerton/La Habra
103 La Cypress Park
104 Anaheim
105 Los Alamitos/Rossmoor
201 Placentia
202 Yorba Linda West
203 Yorba Linda East
204 Orange Villa
205 Anaheim Hills
206 Santiago Creek
301 Seal Beach
302 West Garden
303 Huntington Harbor
304 Ocean View
305 HB Pierside
306 Surf City
401 Garden Valley
402 Tustana
403 Tustin East
404 Newport Mesa
405 Newport Harbor
501 South Irvine
502 Heart of Irvine
503 North Irvine
504 Laguna Beach
505 Aliso Viejo
506 Niguel Coast
507 San Clemente
602 Lake Forest
603 Rancho Portola
604 Mission Viejo
605 Rancho Trabuco
606 Oso Valley
607 Ladera Valley
701 Comadres
702 Comadres North
E-mail Address Adult contact:
(Please Re-Enter E-mail to Confirm)
How long has this Girl Scout been selling Girl Scout Cookies?
This is my first year!
1-3 years
4-6 Years
More than 7 years!
Which Badges has the girl earned?
Please select the Cookie Business, Entrepreneurial, and Financial Literacy Badges that the girl has earned in ALL or ANY of her years of Girl Scouts.
(an approximation is fine!)
Badges earned as a Girl Scout Daisy
Money Counts
Making Choices
Count It Up
Talk It Up
Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin (formerly know as Cookie Activity Pin)
Badges earned as a Girl Scout Brownie
Money Manager
Meet My Customers
Give Back
Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin (formerly know as Cookie Activity Pin)
Badges earned as a Girl Scout Junior
Business Owner
Saavy Shopper
Cookie CEO
Customer Insights
Product Designer
Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin (formerly know as Cookie Activity Pin)
Badges earned as a Girl Scout Cadette
Financing My Dreams
Comparison Shopping
Think Big
Business Plan
Marketing Entrepreneur
Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin (formerly know as Cookie Activity Pin)
Badges earned as a Girl Scout Senior
Financing My Future
Buying Power
My Portfolio
Customer Loyalty
Social Innovator
Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin (formerly know as Cookie Activity Pin)
Badges earned as a Girl Scout Ambassador
On My Own
Good Credit
P & L
R & D
Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin (formerly know as Cookie Activity Pin)
Which of the 5 business skills does your Stellar Skills story exemplify?
Goal Setting
Decision Making
Money Management
People Skills
Business Ethics
A girl may be nominated for more than one skill, but please use a seperate entry form for each nomination. Thank you!
Please share your Stellar Skills story:
Please write a short description of your skill, sharing what you did to learn and practice the skill, and what the STELLAR results were!
Please add anything else you would like to share about this Girl Scout and her Stellar Skill.
To read some examples of STELLAR SKILLS stories, please go to
Upload a photo of the girl looking like a cookie entrepreneur:
Add File
Please check each box to verify your understanding of each.
I have read the contest rules at
Stellar Skills photos and stories may be featured in GSOC communications, brochures, or online media, and become the property of GSOC.
Signature of Adult Contact:
Your signature certifies that:
*The uploaded content is a true experience of the Girl Scout listed on this form
*You understand that the winning entry will be used to educate the public about the business skills learned through the Girl Scout Cookie Program
*You have read the official contest rules