Tranzfuser 2025 Team Member Search Form
Not all Tranzfuser applicants are quite there with a complete team. The Teams Board page on our website will help match those looking for teams to join with those looking to fill the gaps in their teams.

Do you have a vacancy in your team, or are you looking for a team to join? Complete the Team Search Form to promote your vacancy.

Register your details today to be amongst the first to be contacted about opportunities.
  • Please check to access the criteria. If you are unsure please email
  • The Tranzfuser organisers will use this email address to contact you if there are any questions or need for clarification regarding the details provided on this form. It will not be used for the website or in public facing place (unless you select it from the options below)
  • We will use this number to send text updates about Tranzfuser eg important programme date reminders like Application opening and closing
  • Please tell us where the majority of your team are based.

    The details you provide in the following section will be posted on the TEAMS BOARD on the Tranzfuser website.

    The information you provide in this section should be similar to that of a job description or a CV so where prompted please provide as much relevant information as possible to provide a full picture what you are looking for.

    This should include areas such as:
    - technical skills
    - genre/type of game
    - art style
    - experience with planning tools (ie Trello/git hub etc)
    - experience with communication tools (eg Teams, Discord, Slack)
    - any experience you have (eg participation on Game Jams, Competitions, work experience)

    This part of the website will be open to the general public to view.
  • If you have a team please let us know your team name. If you don't have a team please select put N/A
  • What you are looking for / skills you have

    Please select the role you are recruiting for or skills that you have. This is not an exhaustive list so we've included 'other' for you to use if what you are a looking for is on our list
  • Not seeing what you want on on our list? Please use other to note your requirements/skills
  • Not seeing what you want on on our list? Please use other to note your requirements/skills
  • Not seeing what you want on on our list? Please use other to note your requirements/skills
  • Not seeing what you want on on our list? Please use other to note your requirements/skills
  • You should include high level information such as:
    What kind of game you are looking to create
    What you are looking for in a team member / what you are looking for in a team
  • You should include high level information such as:
    Experience (game jams/group projects)
    Skills and tools you may have
  • Please clearly outline the roles that you require to make your team. ie
    1 x 3D artist
    2 x programmer
    1 x audio

    Outline the type of game you are looking to make.
    Do you need someone with specific skills eg Unity / Unreal
  • Anything else you would like to add

    Contact details provided in this section will be posted in the password protected part of the Teams Board, this will enable interested parties to contact you directly regarding your posting. Only provide contact details that you are happy for people to contact you on and you are happy to be posted on this password protected website.

    From the following list select ONE preferred method to be contacted.

  • Ensure you are happy for people to contact you on this email address and for it to be posted on the password protected part of the Tranzfuser website.
  • Ensure you are happy for people to contact you via your website/portfolio link and for it to be posted on the password protected part of the Tranzfuser website.
  • Ensure you are happy for people to contact you on this phone number and for it to be posted on the password protected part of the Tranzfuser website.
  • Ensure you are happy for people to contact you via your social media DM and for it to be posted on the password protected part of the Tranzfuser website.
  • Data

  • We will not share your data with any external parties outwith the Tranzfuser competition, as per our Privacy Policy at the link below.