2024 Silver Award Girl Scout Report Form
This form is for Girl Scout Cadettes in grades 6-8 who have COMPLETE the Girl Scout Silver Award during the 2023-2024 Girl Scout membership year (October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024).

The information submitted will be used by Girl Scouts of Orange County (GSOC) to:
*ensure projects meet required guidelines
*recognize Silver Award Girl Scouts in the annual GSOC Highest Awards Yearbook
*provide a certificate

To submit a project for a different award year (ie. 2023, 2022 etc.), contact Customer Care at CustomerCare@girlscoutsoc.org to request a link for the correct Report Form.


Girl Scout Cadettes submit this Silver Award Report Form - and attach a copy of their completed Girl Scout Silver Award Final Report (fillable PDF) - upon completion of the project.

An individual Girl Scout or a project team (of up to four Girl Scouts per project) should work with their Girl Scout Adults to complete and submit one form per project.

Responses should reflect girl-led project planning using the Girl Scout Silver Award Final Report and the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award.

Tip: Create responses in a separate document to copy and paste into the Silver Award Final Report and into this GSOC Silver Award Report Form.

Note: Girl Scout Adults are responsible for approving the completion of the project by guiding girls to use the Final Report Form. Submission of this Report Form with a copy of the Final Report including the the signature(s) of Girl Scout Adult(s) serves as a notification to council staff that a girl or team of girls has completed a Silver Award project with the guidance of the Girl Scout Adult(s).
  • Contact Information

  • Enter "Juliette" if you are not a member of a troop; enter unsure if you don't know/remember the troop number.
  • Section 1 - Group Response

    Team Member Information
  • Note: An individual Girl Scout or a project team (of up to four Girl Scouts per project) can earn the Girl Scout Silver Award.
  • First Name Last Name Troop City Grade (6, 7, or 8) if submitting after June 1, list grade entering in Fall Email School # of years as a Girl Scout Bronze Award Girl Scout (yes or no) Plans to earn the Gold Award (yes or no)
    Girl 1
    Girl 2
    Girl 3
    Girl 4
  • Remember: Girls must be registered Girl Scouts to work on and earn the Girl Scout Silver Award.The new Girl Scout membership year begins October 1.
  • Adult Resources

  • Silver Award Project Info

  • / /
  • / /
  • (Please include a 3-4 sentence description. See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 4.)
  • (Please include a 3-4 sentence description. See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 4.)
  • (Please include a 1-2 sentence description. See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 4.)
  • First Name Last Name Organization How they helped
  • (Please include a 3-4 sentence description. See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Steps 3 and 4.)
  • (Please include a 3-4 sentence description of your project, including the result and how it addressed the root cause of your issue. See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 4.)
  • (Check the boxes that apply. See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 5.)
  • (Please include a 3-4 sentence description.)
  • Name Leadership Roles Responsibilities
  • Total Dollar Amount
    Total Value of Funds/Donations
    Total Value of Expenses
  • (See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 5.) [Optional]
  • (See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 5.) [Optional]
  • Section 2- Group Response

  • (Please include a 3-4 sentence description of your project, including the result and how it addressed the root cause of your issue. See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 7.)
  • (See the Cadette Workbook for Earning Your Silver Award, Step 7.)
  • Create a 10-20 word summary that briefly describes what the girl or girls did for the Silver Award Take Action Project. Summarize what happened and the impact. (See sample Silver Award Project Summary below.)

    If possible, the summary should include:
    * what the girl(s) did
    * who benefited from the effort
    * what was the impact

    Please write in third person (i.e., Developed an education program...)
  • Sample Silver Award Project Summaries:

    Developed an education program with Human Options to teach middle school kids about the signs of unhealthy relationships and how to have healthy relationships.

    Created 150 H.E.A.R.T. Packs with essential hygiene products and food to be distributed by officers from the Fullerton Police Department.
  • Silver Award Take Action Project Photo(s)

  • Please upload one or more best project photo(s) that show leadership in action during the implementation of the project! (High resolution .jpg or .png file is preferred.)

  • Permission to Publish for Marketing/Recognition Purposes

  • Note: Choosing "no" above means the girl(s) will not be included in Silver Award promotion or recognition including the annual Highest Awards Yearbook and social media recognition.

  • Section 3- Individual Response

  • Girl Scout Silver Award Project Proposal: File Upload

    Girl Scout Cadette(s) complete the fillable PDF and upload a copy as part of this GSOC Silver Award Report Form submission.
  • Upload your completed copy of the Girl Scout Silver Award Final Report. Get the fillable PDF at https://www.girlscouts.org/content/dam/gsusa/forms-and-documents/members/highest-awards/GSUSA_Girl-Scout-Silver-Award-Final-Report.pdf
  • Thank you!