LALD Mentor Directory
  • Care Providers of Minnesota is maintaining a directory of members who are licensed Assisted Living Directors (LALDs) or Licensed Health Service Executives (HSEs) through the Board of Examiners for Long Term Services and Supports (BELTSS) and are willing to be a mentor to someone in the process of getting their LALD.

    There are 2 reasons people need mentors:

    1. 1) They are not currently working as an assisted living director but are pursuing a license. These people will need a mentor during their field experience of 320-1000 hours depending on the outcome of their self-assessment.
    2. 2) The person is currently working as the director of an assisted living and has applied for an Assisted Living Director in Residence (ALDIR) permit to work in the job while pursuing a license. This person is required to have a mentor during the entire time they are permitted and unlicensed (up to one year). This person also needs a mentor to complete their field experience, which can be the same person or a different one.

    BELTSS is in the process of finalizing their Mentor Toolkit, a guide to help mentors be successful in mentorship, we will make it available to you when it’s complete. As a mentor, there will also be limited reporting you will have to do back to BELTSS.

    The method of mentorship you provide is up to you and can include in person, phone/video calls, email, research, reading, etc. There is no specified type of mentorship that needs to occur—I would assume you’d “interview” your mentee and decide which areas of the profession would benefit the mentee the most and decide on a plan that works best for you both.

    The criteria for a mentor can be found in the BELTSS Rules 6400.7030.

    If you are a LALD or HSE and you are interested in being on a directory of people who are willing to be contacted about Assisted Living mentorship, please fill out the information below.
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  • The LALD mentor directory will be a webpage within the Care Providers of Minnesota website and will not be password protected so any interested people my view it. Names can be added or removed at any time.

    If you have any question about this directory or mentorship you can email or call Michaun Shetler at 952-851-2484 /