L.E.A.F CSA Order Form
If you have any questions, Please contact Mark Ramsay @ 860-919-6127 to make arrangements for payment.
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
Postal / Zip Code
Please select a CSA Share Size and Pick-Up time.
Pick Up will be at the L.E.A.F. brick storage building 3:00 pm-6:00 pm on Tuesdays and 9:00 am-11:00 pm on Saturdays, starting June 10th—Oct 11th. Orders submitted after June 15th will be prorated.
Choose CSA Share
Please select
Full Produce Share
1/2 Produce Share
1/4 Produce Share
Select Your CSA Pick Up Time
Saturday, 9:00am-11:00pm
Tuesday, 3:00pm-6:00pm
Would you like to make a donation to The LEAF's CSA Giveback Program? All proceeds will go toward a CSA membership for a family in need.
Coupon Code
Referred By
I understand that my full payment entitles me to a weekly share of the produce of which I have indicated on this form. I understand that Lewis Educational Agriculture Farm will do its best to supply as much produce as possible and may have to bring in produce from other local farms to help supply product to fulfill my share. I understand that there are risks involved in agriculture such as weather and crop failure. I understand as a member of this CSA that I share in the risk and accept unforeseen outcomes. I understand that I or the person that I assign will pick up my CSA share throughout the 18 week CSA season and if myself or the assigned person picking up for me is unable to pick up my CSA share, it will be forfeited and donated to Southington Social Services or Bread For Life. I understand that failure to pick up my share during the set pick up times without prior notification will result in loss of my share for the week and it will be donated. I understand that I cannot carry over my unused point from week to week. I understand that I must notify The LEAF in writing by email at, one week in advance if I would like to switch my pick up day. I understand that my payment is nonrefundable, but is transferable to another person by giving Lewis Educational Agriculture Farm 1 week written notification prior to transfer.
Yes I understand Leaf's Conditions