USWT Ambassador Award Nomination
The Ambassador Award is the highest recognition the United States Women of Today may bestow on a local member. A nominee must have membership in WT for a minimum of five (5) years in order to be eligible.

Additionally, you will need to send two (2) letters of recommendation, one from local chapter and one from state, as well as send a check for $65.00 made payable to USWT Ambassadors.

Upon approval of the Ambassador Review Committee, notification, pin and plaque will be sent to the person submitting the nomination at the address listed.

This form requires the signature of the nominator, Local President and State President; be sure that all are present when completing it. Signatures can be done by your mouse, or your finger on a writable screen. Note: a current USWT Ambassadors may submit the nomination and does not need the signature of the Local or State Presidents.

Responses to the online form will be viewed by the USWT Ambassadors Committee. Fill in as much information as you know. Upon completion of the form, click Submit; you will receive a confirmation screen if your form has been successfully submitted. Submit at least six weeks prior to presentation. (rev 2021)
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  • Nominee Information

  • - -
  • If you are a member of a state organization not listed, please enter your state.
  • Since you entered that you are from MNWT, please supply your district number
  • / /
    Enter the date that the nominee first joined Women of Today
  • Enter if applicable
  • Enter if applicable
  • Enter if applicable
  • Enter if applicable
  • Nominator Information

  • Enter the name of Nominating Chapter or other Representative
  • Enter the name of Nominating Chair or Local President
  • - -
  • Endorsement by Local President or Current USWT Ambassador: By signing this, you hereby attest that you endorse the nomination of the above-named nominee.
  • Endorsement by local chapter president (if different from nominator, and not needed if nominated by another USWT Ambassador): By signing this, you hereby attest that all information provided in this nomination is reliable and true to the best of your knowledge
  • Endorsement by state president: This should be done by a current state officer, preferably the President (if different from nominator, and not needed if nominated by another USWT Ambassador). By signing this, you hereby attest that your state endorses the nomination of the above-named nominee
  • Participation Information

  • Number Held Number Attended
    Local Chapter Meetings
    State Meetings
    National Meetings
    Other Meetings
  • List state meetings attended and dates; as well as the meeting participation: attendance as general member or board member
  • Since you enter a number in Other above, please describe the other meetings attended (i.e., District, Area, Regional)
  • Position Dates Held
    Local offices held by nominee
    List major local chairmanships of projects, programs and/or standing committees held by nominee
    List state offices or program manager or director positions the nominee has held
    List state committees on which the nominee has served
    List national offices or program manager positions held by nominee
  • Since you enter a number in Other above, please describe the other leadership roles held by nominee
  • Consider chapter management, membership, internal or external programming, new projects or improvements to the local chapter initiated by the nominee
  • If she was a state officer or program manager, what were her contributions? How did she involve people in the state organization, meetings and programs?
  • Please make a final summary statement clarifying why your chapter feels that this Woman of Today is an Ambassador.
  • You may attach the two (2) letters of recommendation, one from local chapter and one from state