USWT Intent to Extend
Complete this form when a decision has been made to work on extending a new Women of Today Chapter. Use this form only if your state does not have your own Intent to Extend.

This form requires the signature of the Chapter President and Extension Chair; be sure that both are present when completing it. Signatures can be done by your mouse, or your finger on a writable screen.

Responses to the online form will be viewed by the USWT Extension Director, USWT Membership Vice President, and your state contact. Fill in as much information as you know. Upon completion of the form, click Submit; you will receive a confirmation screen if your form has been successfully submitted. (rev 2019)
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  • If you are a member of a state organization not listed, please enter your state.
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  • Have any contacts been made? Summarize any phone calls or meetings that have been held.
  • List any meetings that are set up, public relations plans, phoning to be done, etc.
  • This manual gives suggestions on how to proceed with your Extension.
  • This kit has ample posters, invitations, announcements, Public Service Announcements, and is copy-ready for use in Extensions work.
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    Enter the proposed date for completion of Extension