Next Gen Fencing Experience - Louisville NAC
Hosted at Louisville Fencing Center, the Next Gen Fencing experience will help introduce the sport of fencing to children from around the Louisville area. The session will be instructed by certified fencing coaches and is being put on by USA Fencing, the national governing body for the sport of Olympic Fencing in the U.S., with the support of the Louisville Fencing Center and its staff.
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    All Participants MUST Read and Sign each of the following statements (For athletes under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must sign) Parents or guardians signing for a minor shall themselves also be bound by the following.

    WAIVER OF LIABILITY: Upon entering this event under the auspices of USA FENCING, I agree, on my own behalf and/or on behalf of any minor athlete for whom I am signing, I am participating at my own risk and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, I release USA FENCING and Louisville Fencing Center, as well as their employees, officers, volunteers and contractors from any liability. In addition, I understand that by entering this tournament under the auspices of USA FENCING, photography, filming, recording or any other form of media of the participants can be used by USA FENCING.

    CONSENT FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT: This is to certify that on this date I give my consent to USA FENCING and its representatives to obtain medical care from any licensed physician, hospital or clinic for the above named participant for any injury or illness that may arise during activities associated with the Next Gen Fencing Experience.