WakeMed Health & Hospitals

Please read and sign/date below:
  • WakeMed Health & Hospitals Confidentiality Agreement:

    I shall protect the privacy and confidentiality of all confidential information during and after my active volunteer assignments. Patient and employee information from any source and in any form (paper, verbal, electronic) is confidential. Business and Operational data in any form is confidential and may qualify as a trade secret. In my volunteer assignment, I may see or hear confidential information about many items, including:

    *Patients and/or Family Members such as patient records, conversations and financial information.

    *Employees, Volunteers, Students, Contractors, Partners such as salaries, employment records, disciplinary actions, and health or personal information.

    *Business information such as financial records, insurance data, reports, contracts, memos, WakeMed computer programs or applications, technology specifications, price lists, trade secrets, and operational data.

    *Third Parties such as vendor contracts, computer programs, technology, and billing arrangements.

    *Operations Improvement, Quality Assurance such as reports, presentations, survey results.


    1. I WILL ONLY seek, inquire into, access, or review information I need to do my job. I UNDERSTAND that unauthorized inquiries into or reading of patient, employee, volunteer or other confidential information, including information on my family members, such as spouse or children, is NOT permissible.

    2. I WILL protect the privacy of our patients, employees, and volunteers during and after my employment or affiliation with WakeMed.

    3. If I am no longer involved in a patient’s care, I UNDERSTAND that following up on a patient is NOT permissible under HIPAA. I UNDERSTAND that I must go through my supervisor for information on former patients.

    4. I WILL NOT show, tell, disclose, confirm, e-mail, copy, give, sell, access, review, change or dispose of any confidential information unless required as part of my job at WakeMed.

    5. I WILL NOT discuss, access or review any confidential information where it can be seen or overheard by anyone who is not directly involved with the matter, such as hallways, the cafeteria, or outside of WakeMed, even if the patient or employee’s name is not used.

    6. I WILL NOT misuse, be careless with, or leave confidential information where it might be seen by others.

    7. I WILL NOT show, tell, disclose, confirm, e-mail, copy, give, sell, access, review, change or dispose any confidential information after my employment ends for any reason.

    8. I KNOW that confidential information I learn in my active role as a volunteer does not belong to me and that WakeMed documents must be returned before I leave.

    9. I UNDERSTAND that it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to ask questions if I am unclear of what information is confidential and how I may use it BEFORE I do so.

    10. I UNDERSTAND that, if I am allowed to remotely access confidential information, that I AM RESPONSIBLE for ensuring the privacy, security and confidentiality of the information at ANY location.

    11. I UNDERSTAND that I AM REQUIRED to abide by all of WakeMed’s policies concerning confidentiality, including Human Resources Confidentiality Policy, and I AGREE that I will do so.

    12. I UNDERSTAND that my access to confidential information may be audited or reviewed.

    13. I AM RESPONSIBLE for my use or misuse of confidential information during and after my association with WakeMed.

    14. I UNDERSTAND that WakeMed may grant, take away, or restrict my access to confidential information at any time.

    15. I WILL create a strong password and will change my password IMMEDIATELY if I think it has been obtained or used by someone else. I WILL IMMEDIATELY seek help from my supervisor if I do not know how to change my password.

    16. I WILL KEEP my computer used id, password, and any access codes, card, or key I am provided SECRET and will NOT share it with anyone or allow anyone to use it for any reason.

    17. I WILL NOT allow a co-worker to use a computer application after I have logged in, nor will I use a co-worker's computer application after he/she is logged in.

    18. I WILL REPORT any suspected disclosure or misuse of confidential information to my supervisor immediately.

    19. I WILL NOT use anyone else's password to access any WakeMed System. I WILL tell my supervisor immediately if I think someone knows or is using my or another employee's password.

    20. I AM RESPONSIBLE for my failure to protect my password or any other access to confidential information and for ANY access to confidential information using my password.

    21. I AGREE that my employment or affiliation or my continues employment or affiliation is consideration for the promises contained in this Confidential Agreement.

    Failure to comply with this agreement will result in a minimum of a Level II disciplinary action and may involve action up to and including termination of my active volunteer status at WakeMed. Any breach of this agreement or misuse of confidential information may result in legal action against me. I agree that I have read, understood and will comply with this agreement.
  • By typing in my name, I understand that this will serve as my electronic signature and I will adhere to WakeMed Health & Hospital Confidentiality Agreement.
  • By typing in my name, I understand that this will serve as my electronic signature and I will adhere to WakeMed Health & Hospital Confidentiality Agreement.
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