Welcome to our product list for this week. We will be delivering this Friday and Saturday. We are now charging 150 RSD for delivery service. On Friday the deliveries will start from 17:30 and on Saturday from 9:30.

Добродошли на нашу листу производа Гарденинг Нерд. Достављамо у петак и суботу. Услугу доставе сада наплаћујемо 150 РСД. У петак ће испоруке почети од 17:30, а у суботу од 9:30.
  • Select the type, only sold by kilo
  • Select the type, only sold by kilo
  • Select the type, only sold by kilo
  • Delivery information

    Please provide accurate information.
  • You can get this from Google Maps. It makes it easier to find your home.
    Instructions for your computer
    Instructions for your phone