Focus on STEM Program
Use this Application for Admission to apply to the “Focus-On-STEM: Preparing 21st Century STEM Teachers for The Urban Classroom Through A Cohort-Based Semi-Residency Model” program if you are:

A: A STEM Major or a STEM Professional

B: A current CUNY College student applying to the Focus-On-STEM program at Lehman College

C: A college transfer who submitted a Transfer Application for Admission on-line.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until all scholarships are filled.

Contact Professor Celia Cruz at or Jane Higgins at if you have questions.
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  • Institution and Location Is Institution a Community College? (Yes/No) Date of Attendance Major of Field of Study GPA in Major/Overall GPA
    List all colleges and the dates attended:
  • Number of Credits Completed
    GPA overall
    GPA in Major
    Date degree expected
    Major (e.g., mathematics, chemistry, etc.)
    Minor (if required)
  • The Focus-On-STEM Program seeks STEM Majors and STEM Professionals who are interested in teaching mathematics or science as a profession. Please help us to identify your experience and strengths in the subject areas of mathematics or science and any additional information about yourself that you believe would help the Admissions Committee for the Focus-On-STEM Program in reviewing your application. You may explain how your personal experiences have shaped your desire to be a teacher in public schools. In doing so, please tell us what you would do differently from teachers you have known, and what you would emulate from teachers who have inspired you.

    This essay will allow us to evaluate your writing, thinking skills and to learn more about your personal qualities. We are not looking for any “right” answers. Please attach your typed responses to the application. Your essay should be printed on separate sheet of paper with your last name, first name at the top of each page. Your essay may be single-or double-spaced but should not exceed 500 words.