Please list any previous travel to the United States for the purposes of tourism/vacation, conferences, educational study, or previous ECA related grants. Provide dates/duration, purpose of visit(s), and location. (Example: July 4-14, 2019 Tourism to Washington, D.C.; December 1-15 2018, Short Term Study Abroad to New York City, NY.)
Please include relation information, city, and state. (Example: Jane Doe, sister- Denver, CO)
Please list all earned degrees beginning with the most recent. Each entry should include the following information:
-Degree Earned (Degrees should reflect the closest U.S. equivalent.)
-Year Awarded
Please list all Additional Academic/Professional Training/ Workshops
Please limit work experience to the FIVE most recent job positions
Please provide the following information for each entry:
-Dates of Employment (Month/Year-Month/Year)
-Title/Position (please specify if part-time)
Nominees should discuss professional responsibilities in greater detail, including research interests, administrative responsibilities (example: curriculum design), and/or other pertinent information not included in the section above.
If the candidate is not currently teaching courses, please indicate NOT APPLICABLE. Please include all the following information for each course:
-Course Title
-Indicate Level of Students (Secondary School Students/Undergraduate Students/Graduate Students)
-Classroom Hours per Semester
-Number of Students
-% of U.S. Studies Content
Advising is not the same as teaching. If the candidate advises students please input the number of students, their level, and hours the candidate spends providing assistance in helping students clarifying personal and career goals, and evaluating progress towards those goals. This section can also include those that supervise Ph.D. and graduate students.
Please include all the following information:
-Number of Students Advised Studying U.S. Related Topics
-Indicate Level of Students (Secondary School Students/Undergraduate Students/Graduate Students)
-Hours of Advising Per Student Per Year
Please list all foreign titles in English, including whether the publication was a book, chapter, journal article, newspaper article, etc. Please only list publications within the last five years.
Please limit to three most relevant. Provide the position and organization. (Example: President, Washington Educational Professionals Association.)
Please provide the activity, position/title, year started, year completed, and the description of duties.
As part of the SUSI application process, candidates should submit a personal statement about their background and goals. In up to 300 words, the candidate should address the following questions and any other pertinent information:
Why are you interested in participating in the Institute? What do you hope to gain from the Institute?
What will you contribute to the Institute?
How will you leverage the experience to achieve "other potential outcomes" checked in the above section?
How will you amplify the impact of the program beyond your research and knowledge?
Please discuss why we should nominate you and how your participation fits into your institution's current efforts to promote a greater understanding of the United States.
How would you share your experience?
Include any sort of long term collaboration you can anticipate between you/your Organization and the U.S. Embassy in the future.
Note: Do not exceed 210 words
Please discuss why you wish to participate in this program. Include how your participation in the Institute will enhance your work, improve education about the United States in your community, and help you achieve the "Other potential Outcomes" you have checked above.
Be creative!
Note: Longer videos will not be considered. Make sure your video is accessible or it will not be considered.