Clarkson Park Lodge Rental Request
Please submit the form below for all Clarkson Park Lodge rental inquiries.

Your requested date/time are not approved until confirmed by our staff.
  • Renters are responsible for setup and takedown/cleanup of the facility used during their rental.

    Rental includes use of the Lodge, pavilion, gazebo, lawn in front of the Lodge, tables and chairs, and gas fireplace.
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    Rentals available April-November.
  • Tell us more about your event.

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    Please include set up and clean up time in requested rental time.
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  • If so, certificate of insurance will be required from contractor.
  • If so, liquor liability insurance will be required.
  • If so, a $100 permit fee is required and all amplified sound must be approved by the Park District.

    Amplified sound is only allowed Friday and Saturday from 10:00AM to 10:00PM, and Sunday from 12:00PM to 7:00PM.
  • Image Verification
    Please enter the text from the image:
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