Omar Yunes,Miami Florida
The online "generation" or cohort of users has been named Generation Q by Yunes and Garduo, with the 'Q' standing for quarantine. Despite the fact that space is restricted, 54D trainers will continue to monitor and hold members accountable, they've already used the power of their new model to reach eager health and exercise fanatics in Greece, Spain, and Dubai.
Yunes, who finds satisfaction and fulfillment on a personal level when he sees members of all ages pushing themselves and seeing results, is aiming for a late 2020 grand opening date for 54D's second Miami facility, this one in the Design District. He and Garduo are also considering a spring 2021 opening in New York City. In the long run, the two partners want to focus on sensible expansion with a focus on brand perfection. They also believe that the traditional brick-and-mortar business model will not become obsolete. Current demand, as well as the sheer nature of our human existence, are cited by Yunes as grounds for this.
"We get four times as many requests for in-person training during this pandemic as we did previously," he said. "We are sociable beings by nature." We desire to be in the company of others. "We get our energy, dedication, and enthusiasm from other people."
Yunes has some advise for aspiring entrepreneurs. "Starting your own firm comes with a financial risk," he explained. "It's critical to sit down and do the figures in order to prepare for the grind." You must be laser-focused on what you want to do. Rather of focusing on how to make as much money as possible, stick to what you believe in. For the past seven years, we've concentrated on doing what we know is best for our members rather than what is most profitable for us. That is something that our members admire about us. As a result, it has given us a great deal of credibility. Finally, people must believe in you; if they do, they will back you up."
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