MNWT Website Issues
Submissions for issues to the website.

Responses to the online form will be viewed by the MNWT Web Team. Fill in as much information as you know. Upon completion of the form, click Submit; you will receive a confirmation screen if your form has been successfully submitted. (rev 2022)
  • Your Information

    In order to notify you when the fix is complete, or contact you if there are questions, be sure to complete the following.
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  • Enter any positions you hold on the local, district, or state level. If you do not hold a position, you may skip this field.
  • Website Issue Information

    In order to fix the information correctly, you will need to enter as much information as possible in the following section.
  • Identify if there are broken links, misrepresented verbiage, and/or irrelevant text/link. If you choose other, please complete the field provided.

    Check as many as apply if THIS issue happens on one or more webpages. Please submit a separate form if you have found a different issue, even if it appears on the same webpage(s).
  • Upload the NEW photo you would like to use to represent your chapter best. If you submit more than one image, the Web Team will choose which to use for your chapter.

    We prefer to have an ACTION shot where viewers can see your chapter holding an M-event, doing a service project, or enjoying fellowship together. Please do not send an image of all your members simply smiling at the camera.
  • Copy/paste the webpage URL for the changes you are suggesting. NOTE: the URL is the webpages address found at the top of the webpage; for exmaple, "" is the URL for the MNWT Member Homepage.

    If the SAME issue appears on multiple webpages, copy/paste all URLs with a paragraph break in between.
  • Identify changes or updates that are needed. Before submitting new items for webpage updates, they must first be approved through the Web Team, then final approval by Executive Director.
  • Identify other concerns or questions related to the website or Facebook page.