Articles can be submitted for free, but may be reserved for the Chapter Issue or used whenever space is available. Check Marketing VP's CIP for submission due dates.

Use the File Upload field found at the bottom to include the any additional attachments; however, space had been provided for all required items.

Responses to the online form will be viewed by the state marketing vice president and NEWSLET editor. Fill in as much information as you know. Upon completion of the form, click Submit; you will receive a confirmation screen if your form has been successfully submitted. (rev 2015)
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  • If you are uploading the article or personal, enter "uploaded file" into the space provided.
  • Enter the submission quantity you have purchased or wish to purchase; only one submission per online form; if you have purchased the bulk plan, then please complete enough online submissions for which you have paid. Please send a check made out to 'MNWT' with 'NEWSLET Personals' in the memo line, and mail to the CSC.
  • Each Personals Submission must be kept to 25 words or less; maximum of 200 characters
  • Enter "File Uploaded" if you wish to upload your article