Single You Academy Application
This is not for the curious. SYA is for the woman who is 100% ready for coaching. Please fill out the application honestly.
How long have you been following me?
a few days
at least 1 month
2+ months
Do you feel like: you have your life together (career-wise and financially) you're doing alright.
Not a all
I'm pay check to pay check
Have you been actively trying to figure out what you're doing wrong in relationships?? (Googling, listening to podcast, reading etc)
No but I'm ready to figure it out now
In your past relationship(s) would you say you:
Passed up his Red Flags
Fell for his potential
Minimized yourself for him
All of the above
Would you say that with most guys you can set boundaries with. It's just when you actually like a guy all your rules seem to go out the window?
That's so me
I can't set a boundary with any man
I've never done that
How many times have you written him off only to find yourself back with him/not breaking up with him?
Too many times to count
What have you tried to stay out of a dysfunctional relationship?
Will Power
Advice from friends
Trusting he will change and/or this guy will be different
My good intentions
All of the above
Has anyone ever had a conversation with you about what makes a healthy relationship vs. an unhealthy relationship?
Yes but not very well
Do you have or have you had a therapist?
What do you need guidance and support in the most right now?
Understanding who I am, my worth and being able to execute that with my actions
Setting boundaries
Understanding the difference between healthy vs unhealthy (relationships)
All of the above
Where do you want to be 3 months from now?
Knowing my worth and not settling
Having the ability to set clear boundaries and keep them
Free from the cycle of dysfunctional relationships
All of the above
In love with myself
to be able to slow down the dating process
The investment for my services is $3500 (payment plans available).
If this number scared you and made you want to cancel this questionnaire, don't! Aren't you here for a reason? Is healing/changing this area in your life a priority or no?
Yes, I understand the value of investments, I am excited to learn more
Yes, I'm ready to invest (will definitely need payment plan)
Not ready-don't have the cash or the commitment level
Be honest. We don't have to waste each other's time. Are you truly ready to make the investment? And if your application is approved, are you committed to showing up to the call on time? (serious inquires only)
Anything else I need to know?
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