Graduation Ceremony Registration
This form is for St. James High School and College Seniors who are registering for our annual Graduation Ceremony.
Contact Us via e-mail at
Name of Student:
Provide name in the preferred format you would like listed on the slide for the ceremony
Contact Phone:
Parent(s) and/or Grandparent(s):
Provide name(s) in the preferred format you would like listed on the slide
Parent(s) and/or Grandparent(s) Contact Phone:
High School or College Graduating From:
Please list both if graduated high school and received an Associate Degree from ACC
Intended College/ If College grad what's next:
Please list both if graduated high school and received an Associate Degree from ACC
Anticipated Field of Study (Major):
College Graduate Award:
Summa Cum Laude
Magna Cum Laude
Cum Laude
College Graduate Degree:
Employer & Position After College:
Upload a photo in cap and gown or formal attire:
Your photo can also be sent via e-mail to