Membership Application 2025 Season
Membership Application Regular Membership $150.00
Alternate Membership $75.00

POWRi Membership dues run from January 1st thru December 31st of each year.
For new members paying dues after September 1st will cover remainder of current year as well as the following year.

Additional club dues will apply

You will be redirected to another site to pay your POWRi portion online

All club dues must be paid to your local club before any memberships are approved through POWRi
  • Choose all that apply
  • Definition of different levels of membership

    Regular Member- Defined as a legal guardian (husband, wife or couple) and all drivers/non-drivers under the age of 21 years of age of that immediate family that live in the same household. The members constituting one hundred percent (100%) of the voting power of this corporation shall be known as the Regular membership. These members also have full racing privileges and their POWRi dues are payable through ONLINE membership application.

    Alternate Member - Defined as a single person that has no drivers. Alternate Handlers are not included in the Regular/Family membership and shall have no right to vote, they are covered under the provided insurance. POWRi dues are payable through ONLINE membership application.
  • Member Information

    Please use no abbreviations,Incomplete applications WILL NOT be processed

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  • Children/Drivers Information

    All Information must be complete to process
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  • Membership Terms and Conditions,Acknowledgements,Convenants and Representations

  • I agree by electronically signing to the above insurance requirements

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  • Each adult applicant and the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) for each minor applicant must sign below and agree to all of the forgoing

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