• Updated October 2023
  • Contact Information

  • Confirm your Email address below.
  • ILAS communicates with members entirely through email. All members are obliged to notify the Secretary/Treasurer of any change of email address via email to ILASsecretarytreasurer@gmail.com. Two consecutive years of bounced emails and no email contact from the member may result in removal of the member from the membership rolls (member can be reinstated on request).
  • Please provide additional contact information if you are a new member or an existing member and this information has changed.
  • Dues

    Select a membership type to see dues rates.
  • To qualify for Life Membership, you must be a dues paying member of ILAS for at least 5 years. (The years need not be consecutive, but must be prior to life membership).
  • The publication IMAGE is now only available on the ILAS web site.
  • Optional Contributions

    For information on the funds, please see the fund descriptions.

    Enter dollar values only.
  • $
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  • Payment

    The possible payment methods are by Pay Pal/Credit Card and by check in $US funds drawn on a US bank. Please make your selection below. PAYPAL NOTE: you do not need a PayPal account to pay through PayPal: click "Pay with PayPal" then "Pay with debit/credit card" and then you will be able to check out as a guest.
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