24-25 COGS GSO Collaboration Event Funding
This application is for events hosted by three or more GSOs.

Please read the COGS Event Funding Guidelines before filling out this application. cogs.msu.edu

To receive this award, a GSO MUST be a Registered Student Organization AND have an RSO-designated University Account Number (starting with either AR or AU). If you do not provide this information in your application, the application will NOT be considered for review.

If you are NOT registered, but rather are operating as a unit within your academic department and are looking for sponsorship of an event or activity, please send us an email with your request to OFFICE@COGS.MSU.EDU

(Funding for this award can only be dispersed to RSO University Accounts.)
  • Event Overview

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  • Committee Presentation

    The organizations seeking funding must send a representative to the COGS Finance Committee meeting during which the request is to be considered. (Invitation information will be provided.) If a representative is not present at the time of consideration, the request will be tabled until the next Finance Committee meeting.

    Please provide the name and email of the person who will be attending the finance committee meeting.
  • Primary Organization

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  • Example: AR123456 or AU123456
    *Must start with AR or AU
  • Collaborating Organizations

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  • Event Information

  • Graduate
  • General Admission
  • Discount required
  • Other sources of revenue for the event, amount, and type (donations, grants, loans, etc.)

    *If items or a professional’s time are donated, these must be included as revenue and a monetary value assigned. This information will aid in the budget portion. Complete name of source required.
  • Amount and Type: Source:
  • Event Financial Budget

    Please upload a well organized document about the financials for the event. This should include the following:

    Contract services (speaker fees, room rental, DJ, etc.)
    Supplies (decorations, name tags, cutlery, etc.)
    Production and Equipment.
    Promotion (flyers, posters, banners. Must include the COGS logo)
    Hospitality (airfare, lodging, food etc.)

    The document should indicate which expenses COGS funds will be used for. COGS can only provide a total of $500 towards food costs.

    This form must also show that the involved organizations have other funding for the event as COGS cannot be the sole sponsor of an event according to the Event Funding Guidelines.

    Please attach the document (preferably PDF) below:
  • Acceptance of Conditions for Funding

    It is understood that the Organization will, at its own expense, protect and hold harmless COGS, its officers, representatives, members, boards, employees, and agents from all claims, damages, costs, law suits and expenses, including but not limited to, all costs arising from administrative proceedings, court costs and attorney fees, that COGS may incur as a result of any act, omission, or negligence of the Organization or any of its officers, members, employees, agents, subcontractors or independent contractors which may arise out of this funding request.

    The liability, if any, to COGS, its officers, representatives, members, boards, employees, and agents with regard to the funding of the Organization for any claim, costs, damages, losses, and expenses for which COGS is or may be legally liable, whether arising in negligence or tort, contract, or otherwise, shall not exceed the amount of funding provided by COGS to the Organization. In no event shall COGS, its officers, representatives, members, boards, employees, and agents be liable for any indirect, special, or consequential damages.

    The Organization shall not transfer any right or interest in this request without the prior written consent of COGS.

    The organization agrees to abide by all applicable federal, state, and local laws and ordinances, as well as all student rights and regulations set forth by Michigan State University.

    I certify that all the information contained in this application and budget is true and complete. I have read, understand, and will comply with the COGS Group Funding Guidelines and Conditions. I further understand that any falsification, misrepresentation or omission of any information contained herein or failure to comply with any of the guidelines and conditions may result in the denial of this request or the forfeiture of part or all funding approved by COGS Full Council.