Gift of Securities
Every day, Canadians affected by brain tumours face unimaginable challenges, but your gift of securities can be a lifeline of hope. Your generosity helps families navigate their most challenging days with the promise of a brighter future. Imagine the profound impact of knowing your contribution provides peace of mind, strengthens a community in need, and creates lasting change for those facing a brain tumour diagnosis. Together, we bring hope to so many lives - today and for years to come.
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  • About Your Securities Transfer

    Let us know about the securities you are contributing so we can ensure a seamless transfer and maximize your impact.
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  • Brokerage Information for Transfer

    Here is the information your broker will need to complete the transfer.

    Account Name: Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada
    Account Number: 641 400 9610
    CUID: D0MA
    DTC: 5002

    Brokerage Contact:
    Chris Skowby, RBC Dominion Securities
    148 Fullerton Street, Suite 1900, London, ON N6A 5P3
    Phone: 519-675-2661
    Fax: 519-675-2020

    Please sign below to confirm your gift:
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  • A charitable donation receipt for income tax purposes will be issued based on the fair market value of the securities on the date (closing price) the securities are received into Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada’s brokerage account.