Please complete this form to allow us to make up the garment
  • Garment code (eg UC101)
  • Insert garment size here (child & age, adult male & size or adult female & size).

  • Garment colour choice
  • Please state which material you would like on the outside of your garment (ie Rainproof Nylon to outside or fleece to outside) LEAVE BLANK IF NOT REQUIRED
  • The tracking code will be embroidered below the Scottish Geocachers icon on the left breast of the garment.
  • Please make sure you check this information carefully as mistakes cannot be rectified once we have emroidered your garment. Maximum amount of characters per line 26 (inc. spaces) LEAVE BLANK IF NOT REQUIRED

  • Please make sure you check this information carefully as mistakes cannot be rectified once we have emroidered your garment. Maximum amount of characters per line 26 (inc. spaces) LEAVE BLANK IF NOT REQUIRED

  • Please make sure you check this information carefully as mistakes cannot be rectified once we have emroidered your garment. Maximum amount of characters per line 26 (inc. spaces) LEAVE BLANK IF NOT REQUIRED

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