Student Satisfaction Survey
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  • Educational experience

  • Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
    Quality of the teaching faculty
    Course availability
    Academic advising
    Access to teaching faculty
    Fellow students' academic ability
    Academic reputation of the school
    Value of the education for the price
  • 200 words max
  • Support services and facilities

  • Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
    Financial aid services
    Physical appearance of the campus
    Classroom and lab facilities
    Availability of technology resources
    Availability of parking
    Availability of public transportation
    Dorms and on-campus housing
    Food services
    Career counseling and placement
    Exposure to the arts
  • 200 words max
  • Opinions about campus life

  • Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
    Sports and recreational facilities
    Intramural sports and recreation programs
    Student clubs
    Student government
    Diversity of the student body
    Safety and security on campus
    Your sense of acceptance and belonging
    Campus social life
  • 200 words max
  • Demographic Questions

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