2025 NASW-FL Annual Awards Nomination Form

The National Association of Social Workers, Florida Chapter (NASW-FL) established their annual Social Work Awards to honor outstanding professionals and members of the community at the local, state, and national level. Qualified individuals nominated may be sent a request for additional information. Multiple nominations and self-nominations are welcome.

If you have any questions about the awards or the nomination process, please call NASW-FL at 1-800-352-6279.

January 24, 2025, is the submission deadline.
  • Some units have unit-specific awards, such as:

    The Big Bend and Miami-Dade units have an Agency of the Year.

    The Northeast Unit has the Michael Wilson Award for Social Justice.
  • Nominator's Information: The information below will be used to contact you should we have any questions about your nomination.

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  • Nominee's Information: Please tell us about the person you're nominating.

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  • Evaluation Questions: To ensure the nominee’s eligibility, please fill out this section completely, professionally and use clear, concise, descriptive examples of activities and accomplishments.