iCanLead Canadore Student Leadership Application

Canadore Students’ Council and Canadore College have created a learning community focused on supporting leadership development both on campus and within the local and regional communities. This leadership program brings students together from different cultures and empowers them to become better local and regional citizens with a strong focus on the Sustainable Development Goals and Sustainable Canadore initiatives. (To learn more about the SDG’s visit: https://sdgs.un.org/goals )

We are currently seeking students with a Grade Point Average (GPA) must be above 2.0 and a percentage grade of 73-76 from last semester (High School, College or University) to participate in Canadore College’s iCanLead leadership program.

  • Application Process

    Please submit your application by Friday September 27th, 2024

    Please note: Only those selected to attend an interview (Microsoft Teams or Zoom) will be notified by email. Please direct all questions regarding the application, the selection process, or the program content to Lise Paxton (iCanLead Student Leadership Team Advisor) – lise.paxton@canadorecollege.ca.

  • If applicable
  • If applicable
  • Please choose three (3) out of the six questions and submit a photo essay, poetry, short story or written essay. If you choose to submit a written essay or short story it should be no longer than 250 words.

    1. What 3 characteristics do you feel make a good leader?

    2. What does being a role model mean to you, and describe how you have been a role model to other high school or college students.

    3. Please identify a social justice issue that you care about, affecting either your local community or the global community, and describe why you are passionate about this issue.

    4. Please identify an individual or group that you believe has changed the world in a significant way and describe 3 key attributes that were critical to their success.

    5. Social media is increasingly being used as a platform to discuss social justice issues and raise awareness. What role, if any do you think social media plays in addressing social justice issues?

    6. What do you hope to gain from attending this Leadership Training Program?
  • if you hereby, unconditionally consent to, and authorize, the use and reproduction by CANADORE COLLEGE, its employees, agents, or servants, of any likeness or dialogue which has this day, been recorded of me for any educational, promotional or marketable purpose whatsoever without further compensation. All audio, video and digital recordings, negatives and / or slides, together with any prints, shall constitute the property of CANADORE COLLEGE solely and completely.
  • Please note: Selected iCanLead Student Leaders must complete mandatory training offered during the Fall 2024 Reading week (in-person).

    Canadore College is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information. In accordance with Section 39(2) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.31, this is to advise you that your personal information is collected under the legal authority of the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002, and may be used and/or disclosed for administrative, statistical and/or research purposes of the college and/or ministries and agencies of the government of Ontario and the government of Canada, including, but not limited to, tabulating and reporting data on Key Performance Indicators.