7475 District Speaker Inquiry
On behalf of the Rotary District 7475, we deeply appreciate your willingness to take the time to share your talent and expertise with local Rotary Clubs. Rotary International and local Clubs is an organization of business professionals and community volunteers committed to professional and ethical values, humanitarian service and the motto “Service Above Self.” For more information, we encourage you to visit the District website at
The following guidelines are provided to assist you with your presentation:
1. The purpose of a presentation at a Rotary club is generally informational, educational, or raising public awareness of activities, events, organizations, services, etc.
2. Presentations to Rotary Clubs should be approximately 15-20 minutes long with a little time for questions and answers. There are no honorairiums for presentations.
3. Presentations must avoid overt sales. Making a “sales pitch” or directly soliciting sales or purchases is not in the spirit of Rotary.
4. Presentations should not promote a specific business or its services.
5. Presentations should be non-political and non-sectarian, unless you have been invited specifically for that purpose.
6. Nonprofit representatives should be aware that is not the appropriate time or place to request donations or recruit volunteers. Request for support and contributions should be made through the clubs charitable giving program. Check with the Club President for details.
7. Rotarians presenting on Rotary programs should not directly solicit financial support for any Rotary program without the advance approval of the Club President.
8. Pamphlets or brochures related to your program may be distributed on tables prior to the meeting. Please take any left-over materials with you at the end of the meeting.
9. Confirm in advance if you need special arrangements, i.e. podium, microphone, screen, projector, speakers, etc. Not all Clubs have this equipment available.
Name of your Business/Organization (if applicable)
Please complete information below
I have read the speaker guidelines above and my talk will be able to comply with the guidelines.
Contact Email Address:
Website address for you organization/business if
Contact Phone Number:
Topic/Title of your presentation:
How soon would you like to make your presentaton to a local Rotary club?
Whenever convenient
As soon as possible
In the next 3 months
Rotary District 7475 serves 9 counties. In which counties are you willing to make presentations