GSOC Grad Girl Award Submission Form
Girl Scouts of Orange County Ambassador Grads in the class of '25 submit this form including their Girl Scout story, Involvement, Leadership, and Achievements Snapshot, parent/caregiver statement, three references, headshot photo, and 1-2 minute video.

Grad Girl Award Submission Deadline: March 1, 2025 @ 11:59 pm (with references due by March 10, 2025)
  • Grad Girl Scout Award Information

    *Juliette Low Spirit of Girl Scouting Award: recognizes significant involvement and leadership in Girl Scout activities. GSOC recommends three Girl Scout references from a Girl Scout Troop Leader/Girl Scout Volunteer/Girl Scout Council Staff.

    *Outstanding Senior Girl Scout Recognition: recognizes significant involvement and leadership in school, community, and Girl Scout activities. GSOC recommends one school reference from a teacher/coach/administrator, one community reference from a youth/faith/civic/community leader outside of school/Girl Scouts, and one Girl Scout reference from a Girl Scout Troop Leader/Girl Scout Volunteer/Girl Scout Council Staff.

    All girls who submit will be notified of their status in April. Selected Grad Girl Scouts will be recognized at the Green & Gold Celebration.
  • Submission Tip

    Girls should provide GSOC Girl Award criteria, one sentence involvement and leadership statements, and their Girl Scout story to their parent/caregiver and the three adults they ask to provide references, and enter the parent/caregiver statement and upload the references they obtain to this form.

    If needed, the person providing the reference can email it to GSOC Customer Care at with "GSOC Grad Girl Scout Award" in the subject line.
  • Contact Information

  • Girl Scout Juliettes (individually registered member not in a troop) enter "Juliette."
  • Juliettes enter Parent/Caregiver/
  • Juliettes enter Parent/Caregiver.
  • Grad Girl Scout Award Submission Information

  • Entrepreneurship
    Life Skills
    National Program (Badges & Journeys)
    Faith Awards
    Highest Awards (Bronze, Silver, Gold)
  • Learn more about GSOC Mission Messengers and get the What's My Why? Girl Scout story worksheet at
  • Be sure to describe 1) your significant involvement and leadership in Girl Scout activities and share specific examples of your participation and leadership in Girl Scout program activities (Entrepreneurship, Life Skills, STEM, Outdoors, Arts, and Awards) 2) your achievements in Girl Scout National Program (badges & Journey Awards), Faith Awards, and Highest Awards: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and 3) the ways you have helped your community through service and advocacy.
  • Girls obtain a statement of 50 words or less from their parent/caregiver.
  • References - Note to Girl Scout submitting

    Three references are required to complete the GSOC Grad Girl Award Submission. In this section, Girl Scouts provide the name, email address, reference type (school, community, Girl Scout), relationship, length of time the person has known the Girl Scout, and upload the reference (preferred by GSOC staff) or email it to using provided instructions.
  • Reference 1

  • *School: teacher/coach/administrator
    *Community: youth/faith/civic/community leader outside of school/Girl Scouts
    Girl Scout: Girl Scout Troop Leader/Girl Scout
    *Volunteer/Girl Scout Council Staff
  • Upload your reference letter that describes your significant involvement and leadership in activities with specific examples. Use "(Girl Scout Name) Reference 1" as the file name.

    If needed, the person providing the reference can email it to GSOC Customer Care at with "GSOC Grad Girl Award" in the subject line and use "(Girl Scout Name) Reference 1" as the file name.

  • Reference 2

  • *School: teacher/coach/administrator
    *Community: youth/faith/civic/community leader outside of school/Girl Scouts
    Girl Scout: Girl Scout Troop Leader/Girl Scout
    *Volunteer/Girl Scout Council Staff
  • Upload your reference letter that describes your significant involvement and leadership in activities with specific examples. Use "(Girl Scout Name) Reference 2" as the file name.

    If needed, the person providing the reference can email it to GSOC Customer Care at with "GSOC Grad Girl Award" in the subject line and use "(Girl Scout Name) Reference 2" as the file name.

  • Reference 3

  • *School: teacher/coach/administrator
    *Community: youth/faith/civic/community leader outside of school/Girl Scouts
    Girl Scout: Girl Scout Troop Leader/Girl Scout
    *Volunteer/Girl Scout Council Staff
  • Upload your reference letter that describes your significant involvement and leadership in activities with specific examples. Use "(Girl Scout Name) Reference 3" as the file name.

    If needed, the person providing the reference can email it to GSOC Customer Care at with "GSOC Grad Girl Award" in the subject line and use "(Girl Scout Name) Reference 3" as the file name.

  • Girl Scout Photo

  • Girl Scout Video

    Record a 1-2 minute video, in Girl Scout uniform, sharing your Girl Scout impact story.

    How have you grown because of Girl Scouts and what does Girl Scouts mean to you? (See What’s my WHY to help you form your personal story.)

    *WHY are you a Girl Scout?
    *WHAT have you gained through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience?
    *HOW does your family and community benefit from you being in Girl Scouts?

    Should others join Girl Scouts? Why?
  • Video Tips

    • The video can be made use any recordable device, including a smartphone, tablet, laptop or digital camera.
    • Selfie-style videos are accepted and encouraged; your video does not need to be professionally shot or edited—we just want to hear your Girl Scout story!
    • If recording your video from your cell phone, please hold the phone horizontally as it captures higher quality video.
    • Your video and submission are considered together, weighted as much as a question – All pieces of your submission work together to help us understand you as a candidate for GSOC Girl Awards.
  • Enter your video link here.

    Link Instructions: Upload your video to a file-sharing site that can generate a link to either view or download your video (e.g., Vimeo, YouTube, Google Drive, Dropbox). Ensure that anyone with the link can view or download the video, BUT make sure your video is not publicly available or searchable. For YouTube, you can make your video "Unlisted". For Vimeo, you can add a password alongside your link.
  • By clicking this box, I agree to the GSOC photo and video release form information.
  • By clicking this box, I agree to the GSOC photo, video, and audio release form information above.
  • By clicking this box, I acknowledge that I have been fully informed of my consent, waiver of liability, and release of rights or claims to the submitted videos and photos.