Application for Camp Scherman CIT I
Thank you for your interest in the Camp Scherman Counselor In Training I program.
This exciting program allows Girl Scouts entering 10th and 11th grades to learn large group management, programming techniques, and leadership styles and sharpen their leadership skills in a camp setting.

This is an interactive leadership program, where participants will be learning from the camp and staff and directly working with younger Girl Scouts while at camp.

To apply for CIT I applicants must fill out the enclosed application as well as have two people (who are not related to the applicant ) fill out the reference forms.
Two references must be submitted for final consideration for the program. Please do not wait to send out the references. Examples of who can fill out the reference form: Troop Adviser, or Girl Scout adult, and the other and character (i.e., previous bring the next line up formatting- Leadership Director, School Advisor, etc. - NOT a relative.) The references should come from someone who knows your abilities and can share their input. The references cannot be a relative.

Application and references are due by April 20th at 6PM
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  • If "OTHER" Please enter the Girl Scout Council you are registered in.
  • How many years in Girl Scouts, leadership expereince, special training, etc.
  • Previous experience as a camper:

    day camps, sleepaway camps, other specialty camps
  • Place Type Year #days/weeks

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  • By submitting this form, I confirm that the information in this form is correct to the best of my knowledge.
  • Parent/Guardian name and contact information

  • Name
    Phone number
    email address
  • By submitting this form, I confirm that the information in this form is correct to the best of my knowledge.