AUC Montly Report
Please complete the following form each month ASAP after your monthly meeting for submission to the District Commodore. Upon receiving your email copy, please forward to your Division Commander and Flotilla Commander for information sharing.
If there are any issues with this form, please contact the DSO-CS
  • Please enter your name as i appears in AUXDATA
  • Please enter your email, after you submit this form a copy of your submission will be sent the email from this box
  • Please enter the First and Last name of the OIC for the unit you are reporting on
  • Please input no less than three but no more than five action items above. Please number each item
  • Please input no less than three but no more than five action items above. Please number each item
  • Example: Change of Command, visits from Admiral or Captain, cookouts, family day etc. Please input no less than three but no more than five action items above. Please number each item
  • Please input no less than three but no more than 5 action items. Please number each line, and indicate with whom any information was shared with
  • Please input no less than three but no more than five action times above. Examples- Fireworks assistance, helped host an open house or other event, provided food support