Marketing Survey for Music Promotion, Inc.

Completion of this form provides us with a snapshot of where an artist is and where we need to focus our efforts. Your answers will define the level of marketing that is needed to further your career as well as what the best approach will be. Please be honest and fill in everything you can.

If you are filling this out before speaking to a MPi Representative,
please read before submitting your music to save you some time.

** MPi assists artists/labels with marketing services.

** We are not a recording label. (We do not "sign" talent.)

** We do not work on a percentage basis.

** Our promotion/marketing services are generally for established artists/bands/labels who have professional recordings that are already finished. This is our specialty and where we offer the most value for our clients.

** Please do not submit demos, instead come back with the finished product.

**We do not offer reviews or quotes on your song/album.

**We do not accept every project submitted and reserve the right to decline to work (for any reason) on a project. We will only accept a project we feel we can be effective with it.

The questions below help us determine if you are a good match for our company. The more information you can provide, the better. If you do not hear from us within a week after submitting music, please follow up at We usually screen music on Fridays.
  • Please include country code if outside of the USA.
  • You may choose more than one genre.
  • We prefer this method over uploading an MP3 file if a link is available.
  • If your linktree has all your social media info, you don't need to fill out the specific social media questions below.
  • If you have provided a linktree link and your socials are on there, ignore this.
  • If you have provided a linktree link and your socials are on there, ignore this.
  • If you have provided a linktree link and your socials are on there, ignore this.
  • If you have provided a linktree link and your socials are on there, ignore this.
  • If you have provided a linktree link and your socials are on there, ignore this.
  • UPLOADING A SONG- If your song(s) are not online, you can attach a track for us to listen to below.

  • Please attach an .mp3 only. Any other file type will be deleted.
    Name the MP3 as "ARTIST NAME - SONG TITLE.MP3" If it's not names as this, we will need to ask you to resend. Due to the volume of files we receive, if the artist name is not included, it will get lost.
  • Due to the volume of files we receive, PLEASE name the file as "ARTIST NAME - PIC 1.jpg"
  • If you don't have 10 bullets, just write anything you feel would quality.

  • Ex. Music Promotion Publishing/ASCAP
  • (We will discuss details at further date.)
  • Thank You. If you are sending large files, this upload may take a couple minutes. A representative from Music Promotion, Inc. will be in touch with you shortly.