USWT Celebrating Successes Year-End Recognition
The state membership vice president or district director should complete this form. Maintain a copy for your files. Final submissions must be completed no later than May 1.

Responses to the online form will be viewed by the USWT Membership Vice President, and your state contact. Fill in as much information as you know. Upon completion of the form, click Submit; you will receive a confirmation screen if your form has been successfully submitted. (rev 2017)
  • If you are a member of a state organization not listed, please enter your state.
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  • Check all that apply for what the chapters in your district or state have accomplished
  • Chapter Name Beginning Membership Base Ending Membership Base
    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
  • Chapter Name Beginning Membership Base Ending Membership Base
    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
  • Recruiter Name Recruiter Chapter
    Recruiter 1
    Recruiter 2
    Recruiter 3
    Recruiter 4
    Recruiter 5
  • Recruiter Name Recruiter Chapter
    Recruiter 1
    Recruiter 2
    Recruiter 3
    Recruiter 4
    Recruiter 5
  • If you chose "other" for the membership accomplishments, please explain