Vacation Bible School 2025
Meet The Kids of the Bible
Hosted by All Saints Catholic Church

Join us for a rewarding week of group activities providing children with the opportunity to learn more about their relationship with God and with their own Catholic Faith Community.

Children will be grouped in classes according to the grade they are entering in school, preschool 4 years old through completion of fifth grade. Children must turn 4 by September 1, 2025.

June 9 – June 13, 2025
9:00AM - Noon
Registration Fee: $50 per Child
Registration Deadline: May 19th, 2025
  • Parent / Guardian Information

  • - -
  • - -
  • How I would like to help?
    Teacher Assistant
    Craft Head
    Craft Helper
    Games Head
    Games Helper
    Teacher Appreciation
    Kitchen Helper
    Music Helper
  • How I would like to help?
  • Non-Parent Emergency Contact

    Relative or friend to contact if unable to reach parent/guardian in the event of emergency:
  • - -
  • Child # 1

  • / /
  • If your school name wasn't listed, please type here.
  • Child # 2

  • / /
  • If your school name wasn't listed, please type here.
  • Name Dose
    Medication #1
    Medication #2
    Medication #3
  • Child # 3

  • / /
  • If your school name wasn't listed, please type here.
  • Name Dose
    Medication #1
    Medication #2
    Medication #3
  • Child # 4

  • / /
  • If your school name wasn't listed, please type here.
  • Name Dose
    Medication #1
    Medication #2
    Medication #3
  • Payment Information:

    Cash & Check Annual Fee:
    $50 per Child

    Payment is used for supplies, subscriptions, and rewards.
  • *Please fill out only if payer last name is different than child.
  • Payment Plan Information

    * All Checks should be made out to All Saints Catholic Church.

    * Please write on the memo line the name(s) of your child(ren).

    * If you pay with cash feel free to bring the cash to PSR.

    * Office Hours: M-F 9AM - 2PM

    The requested information on this form MUST be filled in completely for the student to participate in PSR.
  • I/We, the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the child do hereby give my/our permission and approval for my/our son / daughter / guardianship to participate in the Parish School of Religion Program from June 9 - 13, 2025.

    I/We do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless any and all adults who chaperone this event, other participants, All Saints, the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta, All Saints PSR, and any of the above-named parties’ representatives, successors, supervisors, sponsors, and/or organizers, for any injuries in connection with the outing/event (s) named above provided that said injuries are not the result of negligence. I/We hereby grant permission for the publication of group (two or more persons) photos taken at youth events.

    I/We also give permission to seek any emergency care should my child be involved in any accident or be injured in any way during such events named above. I/We understand that in any such instance, all attempts will be made to contact the parent/guardian. In the event that I/we cannot be contacted, I/we hereby give permission to the attending physician to hospitalize, secure treatment for, and order injection, anesthesia, and/or surgery for my child, as named herein.

    I also agree that I am legally responsible for all/any personal actions taken by my child/guardianship during this event, and agree to be financially responsible for any/all damages, legal fees, and other costs incurred as a result of the actions/behavior of my child/guardianship.

    Furthermore, I/we agree that if the above-named student’s behavior is inappropriate, unsafe, and/or detrimental to the group, I will be contacted immediately to secure means of removing my child/guardianship from the event premises. I understand that any financial costs incurred as a result of my child/guardianship being sent home are my responsibility.

    Our parish, All Saints Catholic Church, uses images, interviews, and videos of our children for a variety of internal and external communications. Our forms of internal and external communications include but are not limited to: print, such as newspapers, bulletins, and newsletters; photographs and digital images; film and videos; web posts, web pages, and image carousels; social networking platforms including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter,
    and Instagram.

    We follow the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Social Media Policy and Guidelines for the Use of Social Networking Sites with
    Minors. Please see this resource for more information.

    Please indicate below whether our parish and/or school has permission to circulate interviews, images, and/or videos of your child for all parish and/or school events for one year: *
  • My child may be photographed and/or interviewed for The Georgia Bulletin, and other media outlets. I understand content may be reprinted in The Georgia Bulletin or other media for public dissemination, including but not limited to film; video; television; radio; newspapers such as The Atlanta Journal and Constitution; websites and online platforms; and social media networks including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I release and relieve the parish and/or school, and the Archdiocese of Atlanta, from any responsibility or liability for any claims arising from the publication or reproduction of any photographs or interview in any news or other media. I waive any and all right to inspect or approve the finished images, video, or printed matter that may be used in conjunction with any image or video, or to approve the eventual use for which it may be applied. I understand that photographs, videos, and/or interviews are being done with the knowledge and approval of the parish and/or school, and that a signed release form is required for every participating individual.
  • / /
  • The Medical Release, Parental Consent, and Media are good for the period of one year.