Town & Country Bank and Trust Company is pleased to invite graduating high school seniors in Nelson or Anderson County, who are attending college or technical/trade school after graduation, to apply for a Lynn Ledford Memorial Scholarship. In honor of its 5th anniversary, a total of $5,000 in scholarships will be awarded! A scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded to three graduating high school seniors in Nelson County and two graduating high school seniors in Anderson County.

To be considered for a scholarship, a student must meet the following eligibility requirements. Failure to meet one of these requirements may result in the rejection of this application. APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED BY APRIL 20th FOR ELIGIBILITY.

1. Applicant must be a high school senior, attending any high school in Nelson or Anderson County, or home schooled, and graduating this year.
2. Applicant must complete ALL sections of this application.
3. Applicant must include responses to the questions. Responses may be typed out within this application or by attaching a video submission.
4. Applicant cannot have an immediate family member employed by Town & Country Bank and Trust, or serving on the bank’s Board of Directors.
Immediate family members are defined as: parent or step-parent, sibling (natural, half, adopted or step), grandparent, aunt, uncle, legal guardian, or cousin.

Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of a completed application and the applicant’s response to the open-ended questions included within this application.
  • - -
  • Video must be in mp4 format. Up to 10 MB allowed.
  • Video must be in mp4 format. Up to 10 MB allowed.
  • Video must be in mp4 format. Up to 10 MB allowed.
  • Initial
  • Initial
  • Initial
  • Initial
  • All applicants must sign their application.
  • / / ...
  • At least one parent/guardian must sign the application if under 18 years of age.
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