Orah Moore Photography Questionnaire
Where did you hear about Orah Moore Photography?
Wedding Date:
Does this date hold a special significance?
Brides Full Name:
Grooms full name:
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Cell Phone Number(s):
Ceremony Location:
Reception Location:
How many in the wedding party?
Do you have children? Are they going to be there? Names... Ages...
Tell me a little about you both, include info about your professions & hobbies?
How many guests are attending?
What is the attire of the wedding?
Please select
What plans or ideas are you thinking for the wedding? We'd like to know what your envisioning for your special day.
Please include any colors, themes and links in this area.
Will music be provided by a band or DJ? Name?
Are you using a Florist? If so, who is He or She?
Are you using a Wedding Coordinator, and if so who is He or She?
How many hours do you envision wanting your photographer(s) for?
1 hour
1-3 hours
3-5 hours
5-8 hours
8+ hours
Do you want a second photographer?
Please select
Maybe (How Much More?)
What kinds of things are you looking for included in your Wedding package?
(DVD, Photo Album/Book, Online Gallery, Digital Files, Etc.)
Do you have a photo budget in mind? Please give me a sense if you are able to prioritize photography or trying simply to document the event in the most reasonable way. More time... More images... More money.
If you are from out of state, Why did you pick Vermont?
Do you have a wedding website you would like me to view?
Have you visited
Please select
Once you have visited my site could you give me your impression? Maybe even in the context of other websites you have viewed. (Helpful to know what works and what doesn't)
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