16. The Parents agree to provide the School with educational,medical financial or other information relating to the wellbeing of the Student as may be requested from time to time by the School. If the Parents provide misleading information or fail to disclose information about the Student to the School, such that the School has to change or modify the level of Tuition or Accommodation required by the Student, the School may charge the Parents such fees as required to adequately compensate for such additional requirements. For avoidance of doubt, the obligation to disclose information continues during the term of this Agreement and the Parents and Legal Guardians are obliged to notify the School in respect of any
changing conditions in relation to the Student.
17. The Student and the Parents confirm that:
(a) The Student does not suffer from any medical condition or behavioural condition (including mental health conditions and allergies) that may negatively impact on the health, safety or education of the Student or any other student at the School, except as disclosed in writing in the Application Form;
(b) The Student does not have any medical or other special needs that require additional support, except as disclosed in writing on the Application Form;
(c) The Student has never been charged with or convicted of any crime, or the subject of other proceedings before any court, except as disclosed in writing on the Application Form;
(d) All information in the Application Form is true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief.
18. The Parents and Student acknowledge that:
(a) The School may obtain at any time from any person or entity any information it requires to process and/or accept the Student for admission to the School or to perform or complete any of the other purposes under this Agreement. The Parents and the Student authorise any such person to release to the School any personal information that person holds concerning the Student and/or Parents.
(b) If the Student and/or Parents fail to provide any information requested in relation the Students admission to the School, the School may be unable to process the Student’s application.
(c) This Agreement is conditional at all times on the Student having accommodation in New Zealand which complies with the Code. If this condition is unable to remain fulfilled, than this Agreement will be at an end.
(d) Personal information of the Student and/or Parents collected or held by the School is provided and may be held, used and disclosed to enable the School to process the Student’s eligibility to receive Tuition at the School and Accommodation.
(e) The Parents agree that where the Student lives in a School approved Homestay, this Agreement is subject to an Accommodation Agreement being entered into by the School and the Parents. Where the Student lives with a Designated Caregiver, this Agreement is subject to a Designated Caregiver Agreement being entered into by the School, the Parents and the Designated Caregiver. In either case, a breach by the Student of the
Accommodation Agreement or of the Designated Caregiver Agreement will be deemed to be a breach of this Agreement.
(f) All personal information provided to the School is collected and will be held by the School.
(g) The Student and Parents have the right under the Privacy Act 1993 to obtain access to and request corrections of any personal information held by the School concerning them.
(h) Under the Privacy Act 1993, any information collected may be provided to education authorities.
(i) Information relating to the education, health, welfare or safety of the Student, may be released to relevant parties outside the School, at the discretion of the School.
(j) Photographs and videos of the Student may be used for the Student’s records and in any publicity material for the School unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties.