FAEMS™ 2025 - Professional
Fellowship of the Academy of EMS™
We are pleased that you are interested in NAEMSP®'s FAEMS™ designation. Please answer the following questions noting response word limitations.
Upon completion and submission of this application, you will need to pay its fee by logging in to the NAEMSP members only area of the website. Further instructions will follow upon submission.
Please note that CV's do not qualify as supporting documentation and we request that they not be submitted in support of your application.
First Name:
Middle Initial (optional):
Last Name:
Please provide medical credentials/designations:
Organization (if any):
Address (Note: this is where your certificate will be mailed):
REQUIREMENT - A minimum of three years of active involvement in EMS medicine and/or operations as an EMS clinician/provider/first-responder, EMS administrator/manager, educator or researcher.
Please indicate for what organization(s).
Word Limit: 50
REQUIREMENT 1 - NAEMSP Membership (three continuous years).
The NAEMSP Executive Office will verify this information.
Membership ID
Word Limit: 25
Join Date/Year (if known)
Word Limit: 25
REQUIREMENT 2 - Association Contribution
Examples of substantial contributions to the association may include but are not limited to:
• Chair or co-chair an NAEMSP committee;
• Produce work for a committee;
• Work as a part of a task force or work group;
• Contribution to an ad hoc committee
• Hold a position on the journal’s editorial board;
• Leadership or work of a local/regional NAEMSP chapter organization or related council;
• Work on special projects supported by NAEMSP, and
• Work on grants awarded to NAEMSP.
Letter of attestation from a supervising member - committee chair or chapter president - or NAEMSP staff member is required at the end of this form.
Word Limit: 300
Examples of substantial contributions may include but are not limited to:
• Formal teaching and/or examination of EMS personnel;
• Publication of scientific articles and/or reference materials germane to EMS medicine or operations;
• Substantial contributions (beyond membership) to other national bodies involved in the provision of education, evaluation, or accreditation for EMS systems or services such as, but not limited to, CAPCE, CoAEMSP, CAAHEP, NAEMSE, or NASEMSO, and
• Significant advocacy efforts to improve EMS policy and legislation.
Letter of attestation from a supervising or collaborating member or staff is required at the end of this form.
Word Limit: 300
REQUIREMENT 4 - Letter of FAEMS Support
Letter from current FAEMS required at the end of this form. Letter can NOT be a self authored/signatured letter.
By submitting this application, I attest that:
My NAEMSP membership is currently in good standing; that I fulfill the requirements of this application as outlined above, and that I am am attaching all letters of attestation.
Upload letter of attestation for Requirement 2 -Contribution to the Association
[Must be written by colleague on company letterhead.]
Add File
Contributions to the Association (chapter or committee participation)
[Letter can NOT be a self-authored/signatured letter.]
[Letter can NOT be a repeat upload.]
Upload letter of attestation for Requirement 3 - Contributions to Specialty Advancement and Development
[Must be written by colleague on company letterhead.]
Add File
Contributions the Specialty Practice (must be on appropriate organization letterhead)
[Letter can NOT be a self-authored/signatured letter.]
[Letter can NOT be a repeat upload.]
Upload letter of attestation here for Requirement 4 Current FAEMS recommendation.
Add File
Contributions to Specialty Advancement and Development (on organization letterhead, or provide publication list)
[Letter can NOT be a self-authored/signatured letter.]
[Letter can NOT be a repeat upload.]
Upload letter of attestation here: other
Add File
Please use this final upload to share any additional information for the Review Committee's consideration. We request that you do not submit your CV.
[Letter can NOT be a repeat upload.]