Academy Parents North Miami United SC
Season 2022-2024
Parent / Player Agreement
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  • will need proof of Date Birth upon request (Birth Certificate)
  • This is needed to validate Childs Correct playing year
  • will need proof of Date Birth upon request (Birth Certificate)
  • This is needed to validate Childs Correct playing year
  • will need proof of Date Birth upon request (Birth Certificate)
  • This is needed to validate Childs Correct playing year
    Our Mission is to make sure our club has a development structure which will teach, nurture our youth players to acquire the correct fundamentals, understand the games tactics and strategies and in preparation to attain a Soccer Scholarship and Professional Experiences. Our Objectives will be to teach and train soccer players the fundamentals of the game, develop leadership qualities and promote good sportsmanship among players, coaches, parents, and spectators. We will provide young players with the opportunity to participate in a soccer experience where they can develop positive self-esteem and build character by learning the virtues of hard work, respect, honesty, self-control, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

    North Miami United Soccer Club (NMUSC) teams will consistently strive for excellence in training sessions, game situations and positively represent North Miami through on-field sportsmanship and as good role models off- field. Our Club focuses on significant player development toward the goal of playing at the highest level possible by focusing on the fundamental technical and tactical principles of the game of soccer. For all our players, we offer structured training and opportunities for competitive play, while maintaining a focus on creating a sound technical base for the individual. NMUSC is committed to the development of the individual within the program, both skill-wise and personally. The combination of talented, dedicated players; supportive parents; quality coaching / training; and strong management equals a successful program. NMUSC is dedicated to the development of soccer players to the highest level possible. Because of that goal, NMUSC must maintain standards that enable the Academy, Select/ Travel, coaches, and players to participate at what is considered the highest level of youth soccer.

    Participating at the highest level of competition requires ability, commitment, and behavior that go far beyond that of a recreational focus. Therefore, to help establish and maintain that guideline of standards, this Player/Parent contract must be read, fully understood, and agreed by all NMUSC players and parents.

    Use or possession of any alcohol, tobacco product, or any illegal substance, at any Club sponsored function, by any NMUSC player or parent, will result in immediate removal from NMUSC for the duration of the program.

    Parents understand that once the game begins, their role is to support/encourage the players and the coaches. Parents are not to interfere or undermine, in any way, the play of the game. Parents must refrain from "sideline" coaching. Essentially, parents are to refrain from speaking to the players during training sessions. Parents who act in an unsportsmanlike manner, or fail to abide by these rules, risk having their child removed from the program by the coaching staff until the problem is corrected. Further action may be taken if necessary.

    Academy programs (up to 12 years old) will guarantee 50% playing time to all team's players during league games. For Travel players, it will be to the Discretion of the Head Coach (no guarantees). Player's playing time during tournaments is to the discretion of the Head Coach at all ages.

    The NMUSC policy on transfers and releases acknowledges that a player is bound to our league from the date that registrations are due to the end of the full year (from August 1st - May 31st). Once a competitive player has been rostered to a team, their obligation and loyalty is to that team. The transfer request may be given if agreed by all parties including the Commissioners and the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse a transfer request if there is not a valid reason for leaving the club. A NMUSC player may be released from his/her team at any time and will be placed on inactive status by the FYSA. To return to active status during the same seasonal year, the player must go back to the North Miami United Soccer Club and re-register or initiate a transfer request. If the Board of Directors approves a transfer or release request, that player's financial obligation to the club must be satisfied before a transfer or release is approved. The player needs to pay in full the amount owed for the remainder of their year commitment to North Miami United Soccer Club plus an additional $500 release fee. Upon acknowledgement of payment, the Board of Directors will sign the transfer or release request

    By executing this agreement, I state that I have read, understood, and I accept the terms and conditions of this agreement

    The Club promises:
    A safe environment, in which players can learn and grow.
    Structured training appropriate for players age and degree of development.
    Participation in matches scheduled and approved by the FYSA league.
    Experienced Coaches and Facilities.
    Evaluations of player's development and Improvements.

    Player promises to:
    Attend practices regularly and punctually, listen to the coaches, work hard, and provide excuses for absences.
    Understand that it is Mandatory to wear during each game, practice and Club events, the NMUSC approved/ official training gear and uniform.
    Practice the techniques they have learned and try to use them in match play.
    Take part in games and other activities provided by the NMUSC, work hard, and put the interests of the team ahead of personal goals.
    Attend school regularly and punctually, behaving there the same way they do at NMUSC.
    Maintain an athletic lifestyle, i.e. sensible leisure time activities, sufficient rest, and a healthy diet.

    Parents promise to:
    Help players reach the goals set for them and obey the rules of NMUSC.
    Support players praise good work and encourage them during critical periods.
    Set good examples for players.
    Acknowledge that players are members of the NMUSC and do not permit them to have any contact with other clubs in compliance to the rules provided by the FYSA.
    Encourage players during matches and practices.
    Leave all game instruction and comments to the team's coach.
    Will not make disruptive comments to players, opponents, fans, referees, or coaches during match play.

    Parent Conduct at Games
    Make every effort to bring their child to every practice and game on time, correctly equipped, fed and as instructed by the coach
    Avoid coaching players during the game and recognize that there are opportunities to assist the team and the club. Not shout and scream on the side lines.
    Respect the referee's decision and develop a sound understanding of the Laws of the Game
    Give attention to all the children involved in the game and not the most experienced, talented or their own
    Recognize that youth sport relies on volunteers and will volunteer to help when asked to do so
    Support the coach and recognize that they are working to develop their soccer skills.
    Recognize the value of committing to a team and a full season and will support my children in seeing through their commitment.
    Understand the impact on the rest of the team of withdrawing part way through a season or between seasons.

    If the above policies are not met, expulsion from our club will be taken into effect

    A late fee of $ 20 will be assessed upon failure to pay by the scheduled date.

    Depending on the month a player is registered, some payment options may not be available. Make checks payable to: North Miami United Soccer Club. All Returned checks will be assessed a $ 30 fee.

    *NOTE: Players will not be placed on a Academy / Travel Roster until registration payment, waivers and contracts are signed (no exceptions). $200 Registration payment and ALL Monthly and Club's Season fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.

    Registration $ 200 + $60 Monthly (10 Months) = $800

    A player must fulfill all their financial obligations with the Club regardless of the registration payment option taken or if the player stops playing with NMUSC before the season ends. Failure to submit the payments by the requested dates will result in the player being placed in "Not in Good Standing" with NMUSC and FYSA. This means that your player will not be permitted to participate in ANY practices or games for the remainder of the season and will not be able to return to NMUSC or participate as a player with ANY soccer club affiliated with FYSA this season until the debt is cleared and his name has been removed from the not in good standing list"

    Registration Includes but is not limited to:

    Qualified and Experienced Soccer Coach | Fully Maintained Soccer Training & Game

    Fields| | Technical Skills Focus |Two (2) Training sessions a week for Pre-Academy (U5-U7) and Three (3) Training Sessions a week for U8-U19 |

    Scheduled Jamboree/League | Value of Sportsmanship

    ** All additional jamborees/leagues/tournaments & all leagues referees' fees must be paid between all team's players, attending or not attending to the activities scheduled, NO EXCEPTION***
    Customized High-Quality Uniform and Equipment:

    Uniforms cost is $ 100 (NOT INCLUDED WITH REGISTRATION, MUST PAY SEPARATELY) incl. 2 official uniforms & 1 practice uniform

    *** I acknowledge and accept that I/we will not use the NMUSC logo for any reason. All items will be purchased directly to NMUSC as agreed ***

    By executing this agreement, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of this agreement. And I accept that the $200 Pre-registration payment and ALL the NMUSC fees that I have paid for my child's registration, for the season 2023-2024, are NON-REFUNDABLE, and I will not dispute it through my Bank at any time, even if we decide to leave the Club before the Season ends.
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